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Do you end up crying after sex? They may be tears of joy

Have you found yourself crying after sex? If yes, you are not alone. Here are various reasons why you could be facing this.
crying at work
Crying after sex is more normal than you think. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Geetika Sachdev Updated: 30 Oct 2023, 11:08 am IST
  • 106

Sex can mean different things to everyone, and while it could spark pleasure and joy when you indulge in a steamy sesh with your partner, it could also bring tears to your eyes. Confused? Well, don’t be! That’s because crying is a natural bodily response to intense emotions and it’s totally normal to end up crying after sex, says sex-positive content creator Leeza Mangaldas.

There could be various reasons why this happens. Here’s what she writes, “The phenomenon of crying after sex even has a name; it’s sometimes called post-coital tristesse (tristesse means sadness in French) or post-coital dysphoria — and although these words suggest feelings of distress — some people do cry post-coital happy tears too.”

Check out the post here:


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Crying helps regulate our emotions and reduces stress— it’s one of the body’s ways of coping with and releasing intense feelings.

Also Read: Is crying after sex normal? A psychologist answers

Here are some reasons why we end up crying after sex

1. Happiness

If you are deeply in love with your partner, the sex can sometimes be an intense and emotional experience for both of you. If you haven’t had sex for a while or anticipated it for long, this is likely to happen.

2. You are overwhelmed

It could also be that you had the most pleasurable experience, and you are too overwhelmed now. You may be role-playing or fantasizing about sex, or it could be any other situation that includes a roller-coaster of emotions. The flurry of emotions can leave you feeling too much at a given point! But trust us, it’s pretty normal.

crying after sex
It’s okay girl! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Pain

Sometimes, penetrative sex can also cause a lot of pain. It could be due to lack of lubrication, irritation in the genitals, eczema or other skin conditions, or other congenital abnormalities. In case sex is painful for you and it happens frequently, consult a doctor.

4. Shame or guilt

It is quite possible that your sexual experience brought back certain trauma from the past. It could also be that you have feelings of shame or guilt attached to sex, and when it happened, they overpowered you. Do not worry and seek the help of a specialist soon.

What to do if you cry after sex?

Here’s what Mangaldas says, “Let’s be kind and gentle with each other if we do find ourselves or our partners feeling emotionally overwhelmed after sex. Sex can involve a lot of vulnerability for many — it’s okay to process the emotions sex might make us feel.”


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About the Author

An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town. ...Read More

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