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OMG! Using Viagra may lead to vision issues in your partner, ladies

When it comes to treating erectile dysfunction with medicines, you need to tread with caution. Read on to know what a new study has revealed.
ashwagandha for sexual health
Erectile dysfunction can affect a man's ability to reproduce. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Team Health Shots Published: 9 Apr 2022, 09:51 pm IST
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Ladies, here’s a startling news for you and your partner. A new study has raised an alarm for men who rely on erectile dysfunction medicine. The study, from University of British Columbia (UBC) researchers in Vancouver, Canada, steers attention towards side effects of Viagra and other such erectile dysfunction medicines.

While consuming Viagra may have its benefits, the risk of developing one of three serious eye conditions increases by 85 per cent if a person regularly consumes common erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and Stendra, states the research.

vision issues due to viagra
Be aware the side effects of Viagra. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Link between erectile dysfunction medicines and vision

The study, published in JAMA Ophthalmology, looked into whether regular use of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5Is) – that can increased blood flow – are associated with an increased risk for the following concerns in older men:

1. Serous Retinal Detachment (SRD): Collection of fluid behind the retina with no tears or breaks.

2. Retinal Vascular Occlusion (RVO): Blood clot in the veins or arteries of the retina.

3. Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (ION): Compromised blood supply to the optic nerve.

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According to the findings, based on the study of 213,033 men, found an increase in the risk of the three vision issues among those who used erectile dysfunction medicines. And so, you and your partner must be vigilant about any likely adverse events associated with these drugs, or reach out to an expert in case of vision problems.

Dr Mahyar Etminan (he/him), an associate professor in the department of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the UBC Faculty of Medicine, calls them “rare conditions”.

“The risk of developing one remains very low for any individual user. However, the sheer number of prescriptions dispensed each month in the US — about 20 million — means that a significant number of people could be impacted,” he stated on the UBC website.

Also Read: Here’s what a urologist wants women to know about erectile dysfunction

erectile dysfunction medicines
Be sensitive towards your partner, dear ladies. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Why does erectile dysfunction happen?

A lot of women tend to think that a man goes through erectile dysfunction as their partner may have lost interest in sex, but there are actually more serious underlying reasons to it.

Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and ischemic heart disease (IHD), apart from depression are in fact some of the reasons that could lead to erectile dysfunction.

Did you know that it happens to be one of the most common sexual disorders in men after premature ejaculation?

This is also to let you know that a woman can play a huge role in the way that a man deals with this medical issue. It will be just as exasperating – if not more – for him than for you. So you must deal with it together.

Talk about it, be patient and be sensitive. And seek expert from an expert when necessary, because now you know what blind and mindless consumption of Viagra can do to your partner!

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