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5 ways in which the covid-19 pandemic is hampering your sex life

If you thought the covid-19 pandemic and lockdown meant more sex and action between the sheets, you’re highly mistaken.
Spending all that time with your partner may not always result in amazing sex. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Sonakshi Kohli
Published On: 15 Apr 2020, 06:19 pm IST

Being tucked in bed with your partner, watching Netflix all day, cooking and sharing meals together, cuddling (and making out while you’re at it), and a really passionate session between the sheets. Surely, this seems like every romantic woman’s dream come true. 

However, having to do this every day, because you can’t step out of your house due to covid-19 can literally suck the charm out of romance. 

Unfortunately, just like all the other areas of life, your sex life is likely to take the hit during these utterly-frustrating days of quarantine and social distancing. 

When it comes to covid-19, it’s better safe than sorry. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Here are a few ways the pandemic lockdown can affect your sex life and how you can counter them to keep enjoying it:

1. Passionate sex might have to wait
“Most of the stages of the sexual response cycle (excitement, orgasm, and resolution) involve close body contact with your partner. This may result in transmission of coronavirus to the other person, if either one of you is already infected,” warns Dr Kedar Tilwe, psychiatrist and sexologist, Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi (A Fortis network hospital).

“As the virus has an incubation period and is also associated with an asymptomatic carrier spread, the risk of an unintentional partner to partner transmission is a matter of concern,” he adds.

2. You might have to go through a dry spell
According to Dr Tilwe, abstinence from sex is advisable if either you or your partner is symptomatic. It should also be considered as an active measure if there has been a possible exposure of either of the partners to the virus-prone places such as airports and flights or to someone already infected by it.

3. And you’ll obviously have to practice monogamy
Having different sexual partners at a time where social distancing is at its peak is anyway difficult. But if your notorious ass is pining for opportunities after the lockdown is over, then please avoid it at all costs because many covid-19 carriers are asymptomatic.

4. Self-stimulation can help you get through this phase
Masturbation is the safest alternative to sex as it eliminates the risk of getting infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And since the fastest way to contract an infection is through close proximity to an infected person, it can also help you maintain a safe distance.

health benefits of masturbation
Boo those masturbation myths because good news is that it’s actually great for your health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock.

In order to keep the spark alive though, Mr. Raj Armani, co-founder and COO,, a lifestyle shop for adult products, recommends using sex toys to enhance this experience.

However, Dr Tilwe warns against using the same sex toy multiple times and recommends washing it thoroughly before and after use. This is because these toys can also serve as potential sources of infection since the virus has a tendency to lie dormant on surfaces for varying periods of time.

Quiz time: Do you take your sexual health seriously? Before you say yes, test your acumen with this quiz

5. Your mental health status may affect your sex life as well
“Mental wellbeing and comfort are important determinants of perceived satisfaction in any sexual intercourse. During the current scenario, many people may experience an increase in their levels of anxiety, apprehension, depression, and obsessive rumination. This may directly affect their performance during sex,” Dr Tilwe points out.

impact of covid-19 on mental health
Covid-19 will come and haunt you even when it’s all over. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“Also, lowered frustration tolerance may lead to marital discord, which can have major implications on one’s sex drive and intercourse as well,” he adds.

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Sonakshi Kohli
Sonakshi Kohli

Twenty kilos down and struggling to maintain the weight loss by preaching healthy eating, while eating unhealthy every now and then.

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