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Will using a menstrual cup lead to a pelvic organ prolapse? Here’s the truth! 

Several recent reports suggest that incorrect use of menstrual cups can lead to pelvic organ prolapse in some women. However, is that true?
menstrual cup
Believe in facts, not myths. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Gurpreet Kaur Published: 9 Jun 2022, 09:33 pm IST
  • 105

Health myths, especially about intimate health, keep developing every once in a while because most people are ashamed to talk about such issues. The rise in use of new-age period products has given rise to a myth surrounding menstrual cups! What it it? That it can cause a pelvic organ prolapse.

Before we bust the myth, let’s understand what exactly is pelvic organ prolapse?

It is a condition when the pelvic floor muscles weaken and cause your pelvic organs, like bladder, bowel (intestines), ovaries, and uterus (womb), to protrude into the vaginal space.

menstrual cup
Using a menstrual cup is not an impossible task. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Its symptoms depend on the organ that is affected (bladder, urethra, uterine, small bowel, rectum), but the overall common symptoms include:

Also, read: 3 reasons why you must switch to menstrual cups

  1. Pressure or discomfort on the pelvic area
  2. Chronic urination
  3. Back ache
  4. Painful intercourse
  5. Vaginal spotting or bleeding

Usually, it happens due to the following reasons:

  1. Pregnancy and vaginal childbirth
  2. Constipation
  3. Obesity
  4. Smoking, which has led to chronic coughing
  5. Menopause and aging

    Also, read: Easy-peasy way to insert and pull out a menstrual cup

Does using a menstrual cup really cause pelvic organ prolapse?

The usage of menstrual cups is on a rise because they are an environment-friendly alternative to the single-use sanitary pads and tampons.

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In her latest Instagram video, Dr Tanaya Narendra aka dr_cuterus, busts the myth surrounding a menstrual cup. She revealed, “A pelvic organ prolapse usually happens due to increased pressure. There are a lot of reasons for having a prolapse but there are no significant studies that link the use of a menstrual cup with a pelvic organ prolapse.”

How to pull out a menstrual cup?

“When you are taking out your menstrual cup, make sure to always pinch the bottom of the cup to break the seal from the top of the cup, so the vacuum seal is broken. Don’t bear down to get your cup out,” suggests Dr Narendra.

For the unversed, menstrual cups do not create enough suction to really cause damage or weakening that is needed for a pelvic organ prolapse. So, enjoy a hassle-free period without any tension. 

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A lifestyle journalist with a perennial hunger for all nice things in life - from fashion to food and different cultures. When she is not writing in her favourite coffee spot, she spends her time socializing with people or exploring different cities. ...Read More

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