If you are someone who’s been wanting to use menstrual cups, wait till you know everything about it. Yes, just like everything else, they could pose some side-effects too! Here’s all that you need to know.
Over the years, there has been growing consciousness around the kind of menstrual hygiene products available. For the longest time, we’ve used commercially-available sanitary napkins that not only cause infections, but also contribute to plastic waste. A good alternative that’s been doing the rounds are menstrual cups. Of course, there are several good reasons to make a switch, but as always, it is best to be armed with knowledge before making a choice. That’s why we are here to tell you all about it. Ready? But before let’s speak a little about menstrual cups, and what they actually are.
By definition, a menstrual cup is a reusable feminine hygiene product, which is funnel-shaped, and made of rubber or silicone. They can hold more blood than other methods, and as mentioned above, they are also eco-friendly. You can easily wear them for up to 12 hours.
But there are certain situations during which you must avoid their use. This has also been touched upon by Dr Tanaya Narendra aka dr_cuterus on Instagram.
Check out her post here:
- Recent vaginal surgery/childbirth/abortion
If you’ve gone through any of these situations, avoid the use of menstrual cups for sure. Stick to using sanitary pads and stay away from anything that needs to be inserted into your vagina for at least six weeks.
- Intrauterine device
In case you use an intrauterine device for contraception or anything else, then make sure you do not use any cup. That’s because you can accidentally pull on the string of your IUD and end up removing it sometimes. Yes, you won’t even know!
Also, read: Ask yourself these 3 important questions before buying a menstrual cup
- Silicone allergy
Since menstrual cups are made from medical grade silicone, they are meant not to react with your body. But even then, some people can still be allergic to silicone, and it’s best to avoid a cup in that case, so that you don’t end up with a rash inside your vagina. - If you’re uncomfortable
Cups take some time to get used to, and this means, for some people it can be one month. For others, it could also be one year. But if it’s not working for you, feel free to choose other period products that are most comfortable.
Also, watch:
In case you are using a cup, here’s what you need to do:
- Clean it properly to prevent infections, and ensure no soapy residue remains;
- Don’t wear it for longer than 12 hours;
- Break the seal by pinching the bottom of the cup when removing, in order to avoid any unnecessary pressure on your pelvic organs.