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Heavy bleeding, blood clots and some other period issues that you should NEVER ignore

Do you think your period is normal? If not, pay attention to these signs and symptoms which are not normal at all.
menstrual disorders
Periods can say a lot about your fertility. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Updated: 1 Nov 2021, 11:36 pm IST
  • 139

Periods look different for every woman — it all depends on how often you get it, how long it lasts, and how heavy your flow is. Some of these signs and symptoms can offer clues to what’s going on in your body. Ever wondered what your period says about your health? 

There’s no such thing as a “normal” period, because your period triggers a lot of changes in your body. In fact, due to hormonal fluctuations, your body can even impact your menstrual cycle. Keeping an eye on your menstrual cycle is a great way to monitor your health, but so is taking account of how you feel before, during, and after your period. 

period disorders
Know your period flow well to know about your health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

As long as your period stays consistent, there’s probably no reason to worry about them. But if you’re experiencing any of these 7 symptoms that are mentioned below, you should immediately speak to your doctor. 

Here are 7 symptoms of an abnormal period:
1. Heavy flow

Abnormally heavy bleeding is a direct sign that something is majorly wrong with your reproductive health. Dr Pratima Thamke, consultant obstetrics and gynecologist at Motherhood Hospital, Mumbai, says that heavy menstrual bleeding can be a sign of PCOS, improper functioning of thyroid, endometriosis, and fibroids.  

Also, there are chances of getting anemia due to heavy bleeding. Therefore, your diet should be taken care of, and you should definitely visit a doctor. 

2. Intense cramps

Most women experience throbbing pain in their lower abdomen, while on their period. These are what we call menstrual cramps or period cramps. There are a number of reasons why women go through this pain every month, including higher levels of prostaglandins, uterine fibroids, hormonal fluctuations, or endometriosis. All the cramping during the menstrual cycle is normal, but if you experience your cramps becoming intense, you may have to get yourself evaluated by a gynecologist. 

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3. Missed period

There could be a number of reasons why your period hasn’t arrived. The most common cause is pregnancy or menopause. If these two aren’t the cause, something else may be the cause of your missed period such as stress, being underweight, intense workout, or PCOS. But if you have skipped three in a row, see a doctor immediately. 

period disorders
Keep a track of your period dates. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Also, do not ignore late and abnormally short or long periods. 

4. Blood clots

People may get worried, if they notice clots in their menstrual blood. “Menstrual clots are a mixture of blood cells, blood by-products, mucus and tissue from the lining of the uterus and proteins in the blood,” explains Dr Lakshmi Aswathaman, senior consultant and clinical coordinator, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MGM Healthcare, Chennai.

Also, read: Spotted black period blood? These are the 5 culprits behind it

Menstrual blood clots are considered to be abnormal if they’re very dark red in colour, are larger than the size of a coin, and are accompanied by a heavy menstrual flow. Because of this, a woman might have to change her sanitary napkin or tampon every one hour or two,” warns Dr Jain. If you are experiencing it, you should immediately consult your doctor. 

5. Significant mood swings

From feeling cranky to suffering from uncontrollable mood swings, these things are so common during the menstrual cycle or even before it arrives. This is collectively known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). However, severe changes in mood, which may keep a person from daily activities, could be a sign of premenstrual dysphoric disorder. People with this issue often benefit from a combination of lifestyle changes and medications.

period disorders
What’s your current mood? Image courtesy: Shutterstock

It is also important to note that any mood changes related to regular hormonal shifts can worsen symptoms of existing mental health conditions.

6. Spotting between periods

Bleeding at any time other than when you’re on your period or after you’ve experienced menopause could be symptoms of fibroids, signs of endometriosis from a problem in the lining of the uterus, or in rare cases, a sign of endometrial cancer. So, give your doctor a heads up. 

6. Diarrhea

Some women normally get an upset stomach during menstruation. According to a study published in the journal PubMed Central, 73% of women reported having abdominal pain, diarrhoea, or both around the time of their period. If diarrhoea is severe or an unusual period symptom, speak to a doctor. 

Ladies, do not ignore these problems and find ways to overcome them to lead a healthy life. 

  • 139
About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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