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Every woman knows just how important her periods are. But if you have to be truly honest, then let’s just come out and say it: no woman looks forward to the pain menstruation brings along. For some of us, periods get so bad that even getting out of bed requires a special kind of energy and motivation. That’s why it is very important that we learn how to manage menstrual cramps with some period hacks.
While you might need to pop a painkiller when the pain gets too severe, you need to know that even natural methods of pain management can be effective and extremely soothing, while also allowing you to avoid the risks painkillers come with.
That’s we have a collated a list of four absolutely natural and effective period hacks to help you get rid of menstrual pain:
1. Use a hot water bag
When your period cramps are bad and won’t let you move, applying heat can feel extremely comforting and soothe the pain. In fact, a study published on BMC Women’s Health found that applying 40-degree Celsius of heat to the affected area can be as good as eating a painkiller. If you don’t have a hot water bag handy, you can even opt for a hot shower to comfort yourself.
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2. Have a steaming cup of ginger and lemon tea
Just like applying heat helps this warm cup of tea on a day when your cramps are killing you can be extremely effective while also soothing the soul. A study published in PubMed Central confirms that consuming ginger can lead to pain relief. Moreover, the smell of lemon can be of great help if you’re feeling nauseous. You can add in some honey for a sweet taste. A cup of this tea won’t just help with pain but will also soothe you given its essence and taste.
3. Drinking water is key
Bloating is a part of being on your periods and you cannot deny that it worsens the experience by causing extreme discomfort. Drinking more water will help you deal with the bloating, ensuring that your Aunt Flo visit isn’t as uncomfortable. Hence, keep a bottle by your bedside when you know your date is close or when you are menstruating. The usual eight to 10 glasses a day should do the trick when it comes to keeping you hydrated and hence, away from the pain.
4. A massage can be tremendously comforting
Lightly massaging your tummy when cramps are killing you can actually prove to be comforting. Do so for 20 minutes to see the effects. In fact, add in essential oils given that their scent can add to the soothing effect of the massage. We’re not the only ones saying this, by the way; science backs us up here.
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According to research published in The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, women who massaged the affected area with essential oils experienced reduced pain. However, remember to mix these essential oils with a carrier oil since diluting them is very important to ensure no harm is done to your skin. Olive oil and coconut oil make for excellent carrier oils, while you can pick up lavender essential oil or peppermint essential oil to pair them with.
So, ladies, experiencing menstrual cramps on a monthly basis can be frustrating but all your troubles can be managed using natural remedies.
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