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PMS and period cramps making life difficult? Trust these all-natural remedies to help you out

PMS and period cramps are common during that time of the month. But if you suffer from bloating and extreme mood swings, then give these home remedies a try.
infradian rhythm
When your infradian rhythm is out of routine, you may experience severe mood swings. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Smriti Kochar Updated: 12 Feb 2021, 03:52 pm IST
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PMS hits all of us women every month! However, the symptoms and extent of mood swings, bloating, pain etc, varies for each one of us.

A bad PMS is a sign of significant hormonal imbalance in your body. If you get your periods every month, but your PMS and periods keep you in bed, because of debilitating pain, and heavy flow, this is not normal.

Excessive cramps, bad mood swings, excessive pain, excessive flow etc, are all signs of hormones gone haywire. Hormone-like substances in our body called prostaglandins, cause pain and inflammation in the uterine muscles and cause them to contract. They also cause headaches, vomiting and diarrhoea which come with the cycle.

Here are a few tips to manage PMS symptoms better every month

1. When cramps hit, don’t go for painkillers. Instead, munch on almonds and walnuts, which are natural in vitamin E and help reduce the period pain. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Eat a lot of leafy greens for your fill of magnesium, which will also reduce the prostaglandins that cause severe period pain. Before your periods, you can also have vitamin E and magnesium supplements (please do consult your doctor before taking any supplements).

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3. Increase intake of healthy fats in your diet to reduce prostaglandins naturally. Ghee made from hormone and antibiotic-free milk, is a great option to add to all your meals.

4. In the late luteal phase of your cycle, when PMS symptoms begin, add more complex carbs to your meals. Think of sweet potatoes, brown rice, chickpeas, apples, and bananas. This will make you happier, will help you sleep better, and will also ease out the PMS phase.

5. Decrease consumption of tea or coffee. Caffeine in tea and coffee increases cortisol levels in your body, and stresses out your adrenal glands, which can worsen your PMS symptoms. Go for natural teas like chamomile, jasmine or lavender instead.

6. Ease out your workouts during the PMS phase or late luteal phase. During this phase, all the reproductive hormones in your body start dipping. This is the time you can focus on exercises, which will help you get more flexible, instead of high intensity workouts. Change your workouts as per the shift in your stamina and energy levels.

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7. Slow down and take some time out for a self-care routine. Epsom salt baths, saunas, massages and hot showers can uplift your mood and energy levels significantly at this time. Women in general are so used to working more and more all the time that the physical and mental stress of it all, affects the hormones significantly. Taking some time off and looking after yourself during this phase will help you reduce the stress and calm down, and will make your PMS symptoms reduce significantly over time.

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About the Author

Smriti is a holistic lifestyle coach, a functional nutrition expert and a functional medicine practitioner. She uses extensive knowledge of human anatomy and biochemistry, to reverse chronic diseases naturally, by using just ‘food and lifestyle’ medicines. ...Read More

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