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3 reasons why you need to brew ginger tea to ease your PMS symptoms

Dealing with PMS? Here’s a period hack: Sip on some ginger tea because it can alleviate the symptoms!
Ginger is great for your health, as herbal teas increase immunity. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Shreya Gupta Published: 30 Sep 2020, 04:48 pm IST
  • 68

Ask any woman about what’s the most irritating thing about periods and the answer would be PMS. The simple abbreviation doesn’t even begin to capture the magnitude of what women go through. From mood swings to pain, PMS is not easy to deal with.

If you’re a woman who has tried all sorts of hacks to ease the discomfort caused by PMS but haven’t found the perfect solution to it, we say you sip on some ginger tea. This isn’t just another period hack, but a remedy that is backed by science.

Also, read: Crazy PMS symptom or something else? Take this quiz to find out

Here are three ways in which ginger can help you deal with PMS:

1. Ginger has natural pain inhibiting properties
Ginger has been known for its anti-inflammatory properties but not many know that it can also be great for relieving pain. Given that ginger is available abundantly all across the country, it makes for a practical solution to treating menstrual cramps.

Ginger contains an enzyme called zingibain which protects your body from inflammation. Zingibain helps in inhibiting the production of a pro-inflammatory chemical called prostaglandins. This is the same chemical that is responsible for the contraction of your uterus. Naturally, higher levels of prostaglandins cause more severe contractions which leads to debilitating cramps.

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period cramps
Those raging period cramps can be done away with drinking ginger tea. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

A study published in the journal Pain Medicine observed that ginger was effective in treating menstrual cramps. So, go brew that ginger tea!

2. It can help with headaches and nausea
Women in their luteal phase generally go through headaches. A study published in International Scholarly Research Notices noted that women reported significant relief in headaches after the consumption of ginger.

Ginger can also help with nausea and an upset stomach. During the same study, researchers found that women who consumed ginger experienced lesser instances gastrointestinal disturbances and nausea.

3. It can help with the flow
If you are someone who deals with a heavy menstrual flow, ginger can help you manage it. A study published in Phytotherapy Research found that the regular consumption of ginger for three months can result in reduced bleeding.

Clearly, ginger tea can be extremely helpful when it comes to dealing with PMS. The best part is that you can prepare it right at home!

A cup of steaming hot ginger tea is what you need! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Here’s how you can make ginger tea

1. Crush a 2- to 3-inch piece of ginger and add it to a litre of water. Boil this mixture
2. Let it simmer till the quantity has reduced to half
3. Add honey or lemon juice
4. Strain this tea and store it in a flask
5. You can drink this twice or thrice a day in small quantities

If you’re too troubled by PMS, give ginger a try!

  • 68
About the Author

Finding nirvana in good food, Shreya also loves reading books and is a die-hard Potterhead. Confident and motivated she's fun to be with. Plus food. Always. ...Read More

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