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Suffering from period cramps? Here are 3 best sleeping positions for relief

If it is becoming increasingly hard for you to deal with period cramps, then these period hacks will come in handy.
period hacks
Here’s how you can sleep well during your periods. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Nikita Bhardwaj Published: 12 Jan 2021, 04:42 pm IST
  • 116

Period hacks are one of the most needed things during those days of the month. The most dreadful of them all is when you get severe period cramps due to hormonal fluctuations in your body. From teas to herbs, there are many tricks that can actually help you relieve period cramps, but there’s one that’s a sure shot winner and i.e. trying some sleeping positions.

Sleeping is a great way to relax your mind and body. Similarly, it can also do wonders, when it comes to providing relief from period cramps. Imagine yourself all the more cranky in an already grim situation, due to lack of sleep. Well, this can ruin your next morning (or day) for sure.

And not to mention, you don’t want to wake up in a pool of blood – that’s why we want to recommend to you some comfy and easy sleeping positions to prevent period cramps.

Here are top three sleeping positions that can aid you in period cramps
1. Sleeping in the fetal position

Have you seen the fetus in a womb? That’s how you have to be — all curled up. Basically, when you sleep this way, the muscles around your abdominal area get relaxed, and this provides much-needed relief for your period cramps. Also, if you sleep like this, then there are almost zero chances of leakage.

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2. Sleeping with a pillow under your knees

This is how you do it. Take a round pillow (not too high), lie down on your back, and keep this pillow under your knees. Ensure that your legs are straight. They should not be higher or lower in height, otherwise it will affect your overall blood flow.

If you don’t have a round pillow, then you can simply roll a towel and keep it under your knees. In a few minutes, you will feel that your muscles are relaxed, and you are at ease.

3. Sleeping in the child pose

You must be wondering who sleeps in a yoga pose. But believe it or not, there are a few out there who do. Also, the kind of relief your muscles get, when you are in a child pose is just unbelievable.

Period hacks
Child pose will help you relax. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Those of you who also get frequent headaches during their periods can also get some relief, thanks to this pose. Plus, it helps to induce sleep. You know why? That’s because this pose is known to relax your body as well as your mind. So, do give it a shot.

There are a few more things that you can do to regulate your sleep to feel comfortable. For example regulating the temperature of your room, using a hot bottle, having a cup of ginger-infused tea, etc. All these remedies will give you relief from period cramps, and you will feel way better.

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About the Author

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content. ...Read More

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