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6 foods to relieve severe period pain in winter

Eat these 6 foods to reduce period pain during the winter season. They aren't just good for a healthy menstrual cycle; they are also beneficial for your overall health.
period cramps and vitamin D
Avoid these mistakes to not make your period pain worse! Image courtesy: Adobe Stock
Dt Gagan Sidhu Published: 12 Jan 2023, 11:30 am IST
  • 171

Eating the right foods can do a lot. Be it joint pain, headache or period pain, certain food items can go a long way in alleviating medical conditions. During menstruation, it’s common for people to experience fatigue, bloating, mood swings, cramps and pain. It can lead to an irritated mood, less productivity at work along with other uneasiness in the body. However, having a healthy and mindful diet during periods can help you manage period pain.

Foods to reduce period pain

Certain foods are known to soothe the body and relieve it from unbearable period pain because of the nutrients they contain. So, to deal with those severe cramps in winter, make your diet healthy with these foods.

Here are 6 winter foods that can help reduce period pain:

1. Cruciferous or green leafy vegetables

Green, leafy vegetables are available in plenty during winter and they make the most nutritious food for easing period pain. Cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, and spinach are some of the vegetables rich in iron, magnesium, and calcium and provide the body energy and boost metabolism. It helps to reduce period pain and keeps fatigue at bay.

foods to reduce period pain
Add more greens to your diet! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are a staple during winter. They are not just delicious to eat but also aid in reducing period pain. Fruits like oranges, Indian gooseberry or amla are loaded with vitamin C which boosts immunity and makes the body stronger to fight against pain and fatigue. Having an orange with breakfast or as a midday snack would be beneficial. Other winter fruits like apples, guava, and strawberries are also helpful.

Also read:  Feeling feverish before your menstrual cycle? It could be the period flu!

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3. Turmeric

Turmeric has tons of medicinal benefits and it has been used by grandmothers for ages to reduce inflammation in the body. During a menstrual cycle, the body becomes vulnerable and the pain can increase. Having turmeric roots or turmeric milk will aid in lessening the pain.

4. Ginger tea

Winter is the best time to indulge in some hot beverages and what can be better than a cup of ginger tea to give yourself some warmth? Ginger is known to revitalize the body and its anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing period pain. Have a cup of brewing tea with some freshly grated ginger to have a pain-free period. Other herbal teas such as peppermint tea, and chamomile tea will also work as a great pain relievers.

5. Hot dark chocolate drink

Winter can be incomplete without having a glass of hot chocolate. Having a dark chocolate drink will ensure that not only you are relieved of your period pain, but your mood is enhanced too. Dark chocolate contains iron, and magnesium which are known to energize the body during menstruation. Make a cup of hot chocolate and indulge in some self-care during your period.

foods to reduce period pain
Hot chocolate is the answer to period pain. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

6. Cashews and black raisins

Start your day with a handful of dry fruits and nuts like black raisins and cashews. as they can reduce period pain. Black raisins help in improving blood circulation and are a good source of iron. Cashews on the other hand help in strengthening the pelvic region and the component called Tocopherol present in cashews help to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Make your period pain-free with these foods in winter!

  • 171
About the Author

Dt Gagan Sidhu is a Chief Dietitian at Dt Gagan’s Clinic and Managing Director at Gleuhr Skin Clinic. She is one of the best dietitians, skin experts, and wellness coaches.  ...Read More

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