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Don’t suffer! Try these 5 home remedies to cure menstrual problems

Cramps, bloating, fatigue etc are not something that cannot be managed! Try these 5 home remedies for period problems that work well.
common menstrual problems
You can manage your menstrual problems at home! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Saloni Arora
Published On: 5 Oct 2022, 06:00 pm IST

While periods are pretty normal and a part and parcel of a woman’s life, they do come with discomforts and problems which can even take a toll on day-to-day life. From period cramps to bloating and even constipation, different women can face different side effects. But what’s the point of fretting over issues? Let’s find solutions in some home remedies for period related issues.

Here are some common menstrual problems and home remedies to soothe and manage those unwanted period symptoms.

Here are 5 home remedies to manage common period symptoms:

1. Cramps

Well, cramps are one of the most challenging symptoms of periods. They not only disrupt your day but also take a toll on you mentally.

Home remedy for period cramps:

This is a miraculous drink that is easy to prepare and it will definitely help you with your period cramps. It’s called Ajwain ghee chaii. All of us are chai lovers, right? Just by adding two more ingredients to your desi chai, you can calm down your period cramps. All you’ve got to do is, add ajawien when preparing your chai and when the chai is served in a cup, top the chai with some ghee (approximately 5g of ghee) and trust me, this not only tastes good, but it will also calm your cramps down.

home remedies for period
Ajwain has multiple health benefits. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Bloating

Don’t you hate it when periods also invite bloating and swelling to come over on your body? No worries. Let’s sort this issue out too! All you need to do is, consume jeera water after your lunch and dinner. Jeera, the Indian herb has some amazing properties which will help your de-bloat and de-puff.

3. Insomnia

Our sleep cycle honestly takes a toll during the menstrual cycle isn’t it? Don’t worry! There’s one tip, which might come in handy in managing your stress and putting you to a good night’s sleep and that is chamomile tea. It is a caffeine-free tea, made with sunflowers. The properties in this tea can calm you down and help you sleep well.

Also, read: Struggling with a vaginal infection during periods? These 10 tips can help you manage it

4. Fatigue

As your monthly menstrual cycle approaches, your body shifts gears from active to tired really quick. This is mostly because of unbalanced hormonal levels. Never mind because we’ve a solution for you. Fatigue is also often due to lack of nutrition and in order to combat fatigue you have to try one simple remedy, ‘Eating the right food.’ We understand during this you only crave for cheese, chocolates and chips, but once in a while they cause no harm. However, do not go overboard. Instead, focus on the right nutrition and consume fruits and vegetables, non-caffeinated beverages, lean proteins, whole grains and complex carbs, nuts and stay hydrated to combat fatigue and mood swings.

home remedies for period
Fatigue can be managed with home remedies. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Constipation

Well, many women struggle with their bowels during period cycle which is completely normal but it gets really difficult to sustain the day without a good poop. There are two solutions to this problem. Firstly, add 2 bowls of fiber-rich salad to your diet regardless of what you’re eating throughout the day. Fiber is very important when it comes to your gut health. The second remedy is as simple as not missing out on desi ghee in your diet. Yes! Grandma’s favourite desi ghee nourishes your intestines and as a result, helps you with proper bowels. Cool right?

So, now that we have sorted the remedies for common period symptoms, you can use them during your monthly cycle and manage the problem.

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About The Author
Saloni Arora
Saloni Arora

Nutritionist Saloni Arora who is a Dietitian and Lifestyle coach. She has been working in the health and fitness industry for more than two years now. Her specialization is in female physiology and she is well known for treating females with PCOS and PCOD.

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