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5 causes of a missed period apart from unsafe sex

It is natural to have tension after unsafe sex. But here are some other causes of missed periods as well, which you should be aware of.
woman with a calendar
No more period stress! Regularise your periods with these exercises. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock
Team Health Shots Published: 27 Jan 2023, 05:30 pm IST
  • 185

Every woman’s menstrual cycle is different, on average, women get periods every 28 days. This cycle can be either longer or shorter. While irregular or shorter period cycles are a few period issues, missed period is also a very common problem. But a missed period isn’t always a sign of pregnancy. Apart from pregnancy, this cycle can be missed for many reasons.

Causes of missed periods

Irregular periods are common in the first few years of menstruation. This can be because of hormonal changes in your body. Missing a menstrual cycle occasionally is fine, but if it continues to be missed for several months, there may be a problem. While most of you may think it is because of pregnancy, there are other causes as well which you should be aware of.

Here are 5 reasons for missed periods:

1. Oral contraceptive pills

The International Journal of Women’s Dermatology reports that prolonged usage of birth control tablets can result in irregular menstrual cycles or missed periods. Different hormones in the reproductive system are impacted by the pill. Your period is also impacted by this. There might be no flow at all or a reduced flow as a result.

causes of missed periods
Birth control pills have received a bad rap due to many reasons. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Nevertheless, some medical professionals prescribe contraception to normalize menstruation. This may support the regulation of hormone levels. However, a doctor’s prescription is required in order to take the tablet.

2. Stress

The Psychology of Women Quarterly Journal states that missing periods is normal if your workload has increased and you are under more stress. The effects of excessive stress can be felt physically and mentally. The hypothalamus of the brain can be impacted by excessive stress and experience functional disruptions. The release of hormones is also impacted by this. You must first learn to manage your stress if you want to regularise your period.

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3. Rapid weight loss and weight gain

According to a research article published in the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, both rapid weight gain and rapid weight loss can cause missed periods. Weight gain or weight loss both affect your hormonal balance and fluctuations in hormones have a direct impact on the menstrual cycle. So, if you are underweight or overweight and not menstruating, try to manage your weight.

4. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

According to The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, the first symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome is irregular periods. Ovulation that occurs every month is not found due to the increase in the androgen hormone level. It is also called hyperandrogenism.

causes of missed periods
PCOS can hamper your overall health too. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Uterine polyps or fibroids

Periods may also be disrupted due to fibroids or endometrial polyps in the uterus. Polyps are a more complex problem. In both conditions, you are more likely to experience hormonal imbalance and disruption in a menstrual cycle. Both of these conditions cause no symptoms to be visible in the body.

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