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What to avoid during periods to ease the pain, feel comfortable

There are somethings that you can avoid during periods that can make you feel better. Some of these include no junk food or using the same pad for long.
A woman holding her stomach in pain
Period pain can be tough and there are some habits such as eating well and changing your pad on time that can help make you comfortable. Image courtesy: Freepik
Written by: Aayushi Gupta
Updated On: 29 Nov 2024, 04:19 pm IST
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Dr Nirmala M
Medically Reviewed by

Period pain can be unbearable for some women, and the mood swings and bloating that come along with it can make those days uncomfortable. Besides helping yourself to a painkiller, there are various other things also that you can do, or not do, to feel better. From eating items that relieve your pain to helping yourself feel better and maintaining basic hygiene, there are some things that are sure to make yourself comfortable, and help you get through these painful days. Eating as per your food cravings, douching and unprotected sex are some of the things not to do on periods. 

10 Important things you should avoid during periods

Here are some things that you should avoid during periods.

1. Giving in to salt cravings

If you are wondering how to reduce period cramps, it is important to know that foods with a high salt content are not good for you when you’re menstruating. They can worsen your cramps. What’s more? it can cause severe bloating and add to the discomfort. Consuming a lot of salt can lead to bloating. Highly processed foods also contain sodium, which can worsen your symptoms. A study, published in American Journal of Gastroenterology, states that excessive sodium promotes water retention and suppresses digestive efficiency. Therefore excessive salt is one thing that you must avoid during periods. 

2. Drinking a lot of coffee

Drinking too much coffee tops the list of things to avoid during periods! One of the biggest things to avoid during period is too much coffee! High caffeine content can exacerbate your pain and also contribute to breast tenderness. You might crave caffeine but you will definitely need to reduce the intake of coffee. A study, published in Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, states that too much consumption of caffeine can lead to prolonged, heavy periods and oligomenorrhoea, or abnormal menstruation. 

A girl holding her stomach in pain
Skip coffee and junk food when you are on your period. Image courtesy: Freepik

3. Using a douche

Another thing to avoid during periods, and otherwise too is douching to clean yourself down. It can prove to be very harmful. It can cause several health issues like infections and an increased risk of developing STDs by interfering with the vagina’s natural barriers against bacteria. Douching is also linked to many health problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease, states this study, published in Epidemiologic Reviews

Also Read: Vaginal bumps during periods: Dos and don’ts you should know

4. Wearing the same sanitary product all day long

Another thing to avoid during periods is wearing the same sanitary pad for too long. This is one of most the common period mistakes that women make. One of the most basic do and don’t during periods is to avoid wearing the same tampon or pad for more than 4 to 6 hours. There are many side effects of wearing the same pad for long hours. This will prove to be a breeding ground for bacteria and will lead to the development of bad odour. In addition, doing so can also cause skin rashes and TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome). A study, published in the Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, observed that TSS was caused by toxic bacteria from prolonged use of high-absorbency tampons. 

5. Waxing or shaving

One of the most important things to avoid during periods is hair removal. The area is sensitive and the pull of the wax strips can hurt, adding to your discomfort. Shaving can prove to be an extremely messy affair due to the period flow. In case you end up with a cut due to the shaving, it might lead to infection. So, plan it after a week of your period to reduce the risk of pain and discomfort.

6. Having unprotected sex

First of all, it’s absolutely normal to have sex when you are on your period. What to avoid during periods is having sex without protection. If you’re not looking at starting a family just yet, you should avoid taking the chance. Plus, protected sex is also a way of avoiding STDs. Period, or no period, always practice safe sex in order to steer clear of infections and STDs.

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A woman in pain
Avoid unprotected sex when you are on your period. Image courtesy: Freepik

7. Smoking

If you want to know how to relieve period cramps, then avoid smoking that cigarette. We all know smoking is dangerous for our health but women who smoke during their period are more likely to experience severe pain. So, it’s better to kick the butt.

8. Going to bed without a pad

You might think sleeping without a pad can be comforting but it is a bad idea! If you’re worried about the rashes and discomfort it might cause, you can switch to another brand or start wearing a menstrual cup. But don’t go to bed without wearing a sanitary product to handle the flow.

9. Going for a breast exam

When you’re menstruating, your hormone level fluctuations can make it difficult to detect abnormalities in your breasts. Hence, it is best to avoid a breast exam in the middle of your periods. A study, published in The British Journal of Radiology, states that during the menstrual cycle, the volume of each breast varies by 76ml on an average. 

10. Skipping meals and eating junk food

One of the biggest do and don’t during periods, is to skip meals. Skipping meals during your periods isn’t a good idea because it can severely affect your energy levels, making you feel lethargic and irritable. This, however, doesn’t mean you replace actual meals with junk food. Junk food contains high amounts of salt and sugar, contributing to issues like bloating and discomfort. So, junk foods tops the list of things to avoid during periods.  

When to see a doctor?

If you are uncomfortable even after you make sure to follow your list of things to avoid during periods, then it might be time to go to the doctor. While the above mentioned points can help you feel better, there are some symptoms that should not be ignored at all. Some of them are as follows:

  • If the period lasts more than a week.
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Irregular periods for more than three months.
  • Unbearable period pain such that it affects your daily life.

What can you do on your periods?

Now that we know what to avoid during periods, there  are a few things that you can do to keep period pain at bay. From hot showers to staying hydrated, working out and eating the right food, there are various things that can be done that would help you feel better on your period. Read here to know more.

Related FAQs

Is it safe to kiss during periods?

Yes, it is safe to kiss during your periods. In fact, this can also help ease the pain. Kissing helps to dilate blood vessels and enable more blood flow.

Can I run on my period?

Yes, you can run and participate in other workout regimes when on your period. It all depends on how much you comfortably want to do.

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About The Author
Aayushi Gupta
Aayushi Gupta

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information.

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