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10 foods that can legit make your period worse, according to a gynaecologist

Periods getting you down? Well your diet could be to blame! Here are 10 foods you must avoid during periods if you want to to feel better.
Treat yourself with this diabetes friendly pizza recipe. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Nikita Bhardwaj
Updated On: 29 May 2020, 12:47 pm IST
  • 106

From fries to brownies–raise your hand if you have eaten all this and more when you were on your periods.

We know ladies, you must have. But what you don’t know is that these are exactly the kinds of food doctors will ask you to stay away from, because guess what? They are the legit reason why your periods hurt oh-so-much!

In fact, here’s Dr Gandhali Deorukhkar Pillai, consultant obstetrics and gynecologist from Wockhardt hospital, Mumbai to reveal why you mustn’t binge eat during your periods.

Your tummy goes for a toss when you binge during periods
“We need to understand that due to an increase in the levels of progesterone in our body, gastric activities inside our stomach also increase. So when you binge eat, it makes you more prone to loose motions, acidity, and many other gut issues”, explains Dr Pillai.

In fact, according to her you should avoid eating these 10 foods before your periods kick in:

1. Chilies
Spicy food is a big no-no as your gut is already on fire when you’re menstruating. “Eating spicy food can make your tummy health worse and can also lead to ulcers and an increase in abdomen pain”, suggests Dr Pillai.

2. Milk chocolates
According to Dr Pillai, if you crave chocolates during your period then opt for bitter chocolates because they are easier on your stomach. Plus, science has time and again proven that dark chocolates can reduce your period cramps–so it’s a win-win.

dark chocolate for period cramps
In your battle against period cramps, dark chocolate is your delicious armor. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

3. French fries
We know this one will break your heart, but food which is high on cholesterol is not something you should opt for when you are on your periods according to Dr Pillai.

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4. Pizza
“Pizza is a complex carb which takes time to digest. Plus, it will also lead to weight gain, so I don’t think it’s the right kind of food your body is looking for during periods”, suggests Dr Pillai.

5. Red meat
“This one falls under the category of complex carbs too. But if you feel like eating non-vegetarian, you can still opt for grilled fish,” she says.

6. Alcohol
Most of us already face issues like nausea and dizziness, then why amp it further by drinking alcohol? “The dehydration caused by alcohol can exacerbate your periods. There are high chances that it can lead to severe headache and bloating as well,” says Dr Pillai.

how to cure hangover
Drinking alcohol during your periods is a bad idea. Image courtesy: shutterstock

7. White rice
According to our expert you should opt for brown rice during this time. Add some yoghurt to it while eating, as it will cool your gut a little.

8. Coffee
“Coffee can add fuel to your gut fire and can make your motions worse. So, it is always better to avoid it during periods. It can also lead to diarrhea,” claims Dr Pillai.

effect of caffeine
Unfortunately, you will have to give up coffee while menstruating for the sake of your stomach. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

9. Bean and besan
Although healthy options to nosh on, Dr Pillai suggests that you must stay away from besan and beans while menstruating as it can lead to more gastric distress.

10. White bread
“Although, we suggest eating a BRAT diet during periods, which is banana, rice, apple, and toast–when we say toast, it doesn’t mean white bread. So, opt for gluten-free, brown, or maybe multi-grain toast,” suggests Dr Pillai.

Heartbreaking isn’t it? But unfortunately, when it comes to eating on your periods–eating light is the way to go. So, eat healthy and light–and memorize this list of foods to avoid during periods.

About The Author
Nikita Bhardwaj
Nikita Bhardwaj

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content.

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