These 6 super-effective yoga poses will keep your vagina healthy and strong
Trouble down under can make you feel physically and mentally uneasy. And so, it is important to take care of your vaginal health with the help of these yoga asanas.
Vaginal health plays an important role in the physical, psychological and emotional well-being of a woman. It impacts one’s lifestyle and affects the quality of sexual
relationships with their partners. Thus, any weakness or issues related to the vagina can cause a great deal of physical as well as mental distress.
Basically, a healthy vagina contributes to the total well-being of a woman. Apart from healthy eating habits, an organized lifestyle, and proper intimate-hygiene habits, yoga can also boost the vaginal health of a woman.
Here are 6 yoga poses recommended by celebrity fitness expert, yoga-preneur, and wellness coach, Grandmaster Akshar that work like a charm and can do wonders for your vaginal health:
Fold your legs at your knees and ensure that your feet are placed firmly on the floor.
Bend your arms at the elbows with your palms facing the sky. Rotate your arms at the shoulders and place your palms on the floor on either side of your head. Inhale, put pressure on your palms and legs. Lift your entire body up to form an arch.
Relax your neck and allow your head to fall gently behind.
Remember to inhale as you lift up into the posture.
After holding this position for a few seconds, get back to the starting position slowly and gently.
5. Dhanurasana
Begin by lying down on your stomach.
Bend your knees and hold your ankles with your palms placing a strong grip.
Lift your legs and arms as high as you can.
Look up and hold the posture.
Inhale as you lift up into the posture, hold your breath while you stretch out and exhale when you get back to the starting position.