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That pair of seamless synthetic undies could be harming your vagina. Here’s how

Sure, a no VPL pair of underwear comes with a plethora of benefits. But thanks to its synthetic fabric, it can also wreak havoc on your vagina.
vaginal yeast infection
Think twice before wearing synthetic underwear, girls. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Sonakshi Kohli Updated: 17 Nov 2019, 09:29 pm IST
  • 74

Life without synthetic underwear can be really difficult, don’t you think? After all, how else do you hit the gym without getting conscious about your panty line showing through those skinny yoga pants? How do you pull off those bodycon dresses without a tummy-tucking underwear? How do you possibly enjoy a beach vacay without sporting a fancy bikini? And what’s a fun night without a set of lacey thongs? 

Unfortunately, though, life is difficult even with the presence of this saving grace. I say this because synthetic underwear might make you look fab, but they can wreak havoc on your vagina.

So, what’s so bad about synthetic underwear? 

“Wearing synthetic underwear for long periods of time can lead to yeast infections, urinary tract infection (UTI), and vaginal infections,” says Dr Nupur Gupta, director, obstetrics & gynaecology at Fortis Memorial Research Institute.

The reason is pretty obvious, folks: most synthetic fabrics are sweat absorbers and aren’t breathable. And by now you know what all that trapped sweat and moisture down there is capable of doing. 

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“Vaginal moisture, which tends to accumulate around the vulva region, can cause skin irritation and infections in and around the vagina,” explains Dr S.N. Basu, senior director & head of department, Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Max Super-Speciality Hospital.

“The warm and moist environment is quite ambient for the bacteria and yeast to grow, and the probability of facing an intimate health problem becomes high even in the case of minute incontinence,” she adds.

Relax! You don’t have to give it up completely

In this time and age of fashion ruling the world, giving up fancy underwear might not be possible. So, we asked experts about how you can take care of your intimate hygiene while sporting them and here’s what Dr Nisha Jain, gynaecologist at Saroj Super-Speciality Hospital in Delhi suggests:

1. For working out, wear shorts or pants that have a built-in moisture-wicking underwear.

2. Make sure that the underwear fits you properly so as to avoid friction and irritation that can worsen your case.

3. Get out of the synthetic underwear as soon as you can and slip into a comfy and breathable cotton one.

4. Take a shower after your workout and change your underwear. Heavy exercise can also cause vaginal discharge, which along with sweat can make your private parts itch like crazy and can even give you a terrible infection.

5. If you can’t shower, clean your vulva with a dry, clean towel and make sure that there is no wetness down there.

6. You can even count on anti-rash vaginal powders and intimate hygiene washes to keep your private parts clean and sweat-free.

So ladies, now that you’re in the know–whip out the cotton undies. It’s what your vagina wants!

  • 74
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Twenty kilos down and struggling to maintain the weight loss by preaching healthy eating, while eating unhealthy every now and then. ...Read More

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