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Whether your vaginal health is optimum or not, it is natural to have a mild or strong odour. Factors like menstruation and sex can change the way your vagina smells. Women after child delivery also tend to notice a different vaginal odour. They are often related to the body’s natural healing and recovery process after delivery. Hygiene also plays a role in the way you smell down there. However, persistent or foul-smelling odour may indicate an underlying issue that requires attention. Read on to know the causes of postpartum vaginal odour and ways to get rid of it.
Postpartum vaginal odour is an unusual smell from the vagina after giving birth. It is a common concern for many women and is often a part of the normal healing and recovery process after childbirth, says obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Meghana D Sarvaiya. But if the odour is persistent, foul-smelling, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms such as itching, irritation, or unusual discharge, it may indicate an infection.
After childbirth, you can expect some vaginal changes. Some factors can also contribute to postpartum vaginal odour.
After childbirth, women experience lochia, a vaginal discharge containing blood, mucus, and uterine tissue. The smell of lochia is distinct. It may smell sour or stale. This discharge can last for several weeks as the uterus heals and returns to its pre-pregnancy size.
Postpartum hormonal fluctuations can affect the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina, leading to changes in odour. These hormonal shifts are a normal part of the postpartum period and usually stabilise over time, says the expert.
If there were vaginal tears during childbirth, the healing process may contribute to an odour as the tissues repair. Good hygiene practices and following recommendations from your doctor for wound care are crucial during this time.
Infections such as bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection, can cause changes in vaginal odour. These infections may be more common in the postpartum period due to hormonal changes.
Inadequate postpartum hygiene practices, such as infrequent bathing or using harsh soaps, can contribute to an unpleasant odour. Maintaining good hygiene is crucial for overall vaginal health.
After childbirth, some women may experience temporary issues with bladder or bowel control. Leakage of urine or feces can contribute to an odour.
The duration of postpartum vaginal odour can vary from woman to woman. Generally, postpartum vaginal odour is most noticeable in the immediate days and weeks following childbirth. While it is normal for postpartum vaginal odour to be more noticeable in the initial weeks after childbirth, any persistently foul-smelling odour or unusual discharge should be brought to the attention of you doctor.
Managing postpartum vaginal odour involves a combination of good hygiene practices, allowing the body to heal naturally, and seeking medical attention if needed. Here are some ways to help reduce or eliminate postpartum vaginal odour:
Take regular showers to keep the genital area clean. Use a mild, unscented soap and water to cleanse the external genitalia. When washing the genital area, avoid using harsh or scented soaps, as they can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina.
Follow the postpartum care instructions provided by your doctor. This may include recommendations for wound care if there were vaginal tears during childbirth.
Drinking adequate amount of water helps maintain overall health. It can contribute to a balanced vaginal environment.
Wear breathable cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothing to promote airflow. They can help to prevent excessive moisture in the genital area, says Dr Sarvaiya.
Probiotics, whether in supplement form or through probiotic-rich foods, may help promote a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina. But discuss with your doctor before using any supplements.
Eat a well-balanced diet and focus on foods that are full of nutrients. A healthy diet contributes to overall well-being, including vaginal health.
The goal is to support the body’s natural healing process, practice good hygiene, and seek medical guidance when necessary.
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