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Keep your vaginal health up to the mark with fibre

A nutritious diet affects every part of your body and your vagina is no exception. Don't miss out on fibre, suggests an expert.
vaginal health habits
You should keep your vaginal health in check! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Published: 11 Jan 2022, 07:00 pm IST
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When it comes to maintaining a healthy and happy vagina, most of us think of cranberry juice or probiotic foods. But they are not enough to keep your vaginal health on track by preventing infections. Your diet affects pretty much everything – from your menstrual cycle to your mood and apparently your vagina too. So what can you do? Well, it may sound surprising but a diet rich in fibre is super healthy for your vagina!

A lot of experts say fibre is good for your gut, but it is good for your vagina as well. Let us break it down for you.

fibre benefits for vagina
Fibre can do wonders to your vaginal health! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Why is fibre good for you?

“Fibre is important for your overall health, especially to maintain vaginal health. Despite the fact that fibre cannot be digested or absorbed by our bodies, unlike fats or proteins which can break down, it is still very beneficial,” says Dr Roopshree Jaiswal, Consultant Dietitian and Nutritionist, Motherhood Hospitals, Indore.

How does fibre work for vaginal health?

Dr Jaiswal listed down 6 ways fibre can be beneficial for your vaginal health:

1. Relieves constipation

Sometimes, constipation can weaken the pelvic floor muscles due to too much straining, causing pelvic pain or pain during sex. The good thing is that more fibre intake can reduce constipation, which is, in turn, beneficial for the pelvic floor and vaginal muscular health.

2. Softens your poop

Your vagina hates bearing through the trauma from those dehydrated balls of pain and torture. Eating fibre-rich foods helps move the contents of the large intestine along more quickly. It also absorbs water softening stools so that they pass more easily and helps to cancel those dry, hard, and kinky poops which you have to force out.

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3. Prevents bacteria

Fibre famously helps prevent constipation but eating fibre rich food is really a win-win for your regularity and your pelvic floor as well. Beyond the impact it has on your vagina’s muscular health, fibre can even help prevent vaginal infections. Therefore, prebiotics like fibre nurture and feed the good bacteria in the system.

4. Keeps colon healthy

Fibre also keeps the colon healthy from where most of the bacteria comes. And the best way to keep your vagina healthy is by keeping your colon healthy because most of the bacteria come to your vagina from your colon. Therefore aim at consuming an adequate amount of fibre per day to promote vaginal health.

5. Stabilises estrogen level

High estrogen levels can wreak havoc with your health. But a diet rich in fibre can help to stabilize your estrogen level, reducing the risk of painful periods, cancer, and increased pain with fibroids, endometriosis, and uterine cysts.

fibre benefits for vagina
Estrogen can be your best bud, but also your biggest foe. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

6. Helping balance your vaginal pH

Your vaginal pH is created by the good bacteria that live inside your vagina. These healthy bacteria feed on fibre and prebiotics. That’s why a healthy diet, rich in fibre, will help you maintain the pH level of your vagina and reduce acidity. For this, you need to take at least 25-28 grams of fibre every day.

Fibre is also an important nutrient for your body!

Yes, it’s true. Fibre which is mainly found in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains which helps to normalize bowel movements and reduce constipation. High-fibre foods also reduce the risks of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and other health issues. They are also more filling and have fewer calories which can help to achieve weight loss. Some studies even suggest that you can live longer by increasing dietary fibre intake as it reduces the risks of cardiovascular disorders.

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About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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