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It doesn’t take much effort to notice spots or marks on our face or hands or legs. But do you sometimes look down there? Do you notice dark spots on your vagina or vulva as well? Sometimes, it is a sign of ageing, but there are other causes of dark spots on the private parts too. Read on to know the causes of black spots on your vagina or vulva and what can be done to get rid of them.
First of all you must know that It is completely natural and common for the appearance of the vagina and vulva to change in terms of shape, texture or colour as a person ages, says Dr Thejaswini J, Consultant – Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospitals, E-city, Bengaluru.
The colour of the labia or vulva tissue may not necessarily match the colour of the surrounding skin. For instance, a woman with dark skin may have a lighter-coloured vulva, while someone with lighter skin may have darker labia. Age-related changes can lead to areas of discolouration on the vulva, sometimes presenting as darker spots or patches of skin, as these changes are part of the natural ageing process.
Ageing is not the only reason why dark spots pop up in the private area. Here are some of the causes:
Hyperpigmentation occurs when there is an excess production of melanin, the pigment that is responsible for the colour of your skin.
Folliculitis is the inflammation of hair follicles, often caused by bacterial or fungal infections. It can lead to red or dark spots in the affected areas, particularly if the condition persists, the expert tells Health Shots.
They are skin growths that can pop up anywhere on the body, including your private parts. While most moles are harmless, it’s essential to monitor them for any changes in size, shape or colour, as these could be signs of skin cancer.
Some STIs can cause skin changes, including dark spots or lesions in the genital area. Herpes, syphilis and genital warts are examples of STIs that can lead to skin issues.
Repeated friction from clothing, shaving or other activities can lead to darkening or discolouration of the skin in the genital area.
The treatment of dark spots on the vagina or vulva can vary depending on the cause. Here are some treatments –
Depending on the cause, your healthcare provider may recommend topical treatments containing ingredients like hydroquinone, retinoids or glycolic acid. These ingredients can help to lighten dark spots over time.
If dark spots are related to irritation from certain products, practices or clothing, it’s essential to identify and avoid these irritants to prevent further darkening.
Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin to exfoliate the top layer and improve skin texture and colour. They can be used to address hyperpigmentation issues.
This procedure involves gently exfoliating the skin’s surface to improve its texture and appearance. It can be used to treat mild cases of hyperpigmentation.
Keeping the skin well-hydrated with a gentle, fragrance-free moisturiser can help to improve skin health and texture, says Dr Thejaswini.
Maintaining good hygiene by washing the genital area gently with mild, fragrance-free soap and warm water is a must. You can also do the following:
Wear breathable, cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes to reduce friction and irritation in the genital area. Avoid tight or synthetic fabrics that can trap moisture and heat, says the expert.
If you choose to remove pubic hair through shaving or waxing, do it gently and avoid any products that might irritate the skin. Use a sharp, clean razor and consider applying a soothing, alcohol-free moisturiser afterward.
Steer clear of perfumed, scented or irritating products like douches, talcum powder or harsh topical creams in the genital area.
If you experience any discomfort, itching or unusual changes in your genital area, check with your doctor.
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