While cold, cough, and flu are some inevitable issues of winter, do your teeth also get more sensitive at this time? Well, the cold wind can be hard on your teeth, gums and jawbone. This occurs because the outer covering of tooth structures is sensitive to cold and hot temperatures. So, how to treat a toothache? Fortunately, you can try some natural remedies to lessen your likelihood of experiencing pain.
To find out the cause of toothache in winter and how you can treat it at home, Health Shots got in touch with Dr Anjani Kumar Pathak, Professor, Department of Periodontology, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow.
According to Dr Kumar, “The cold weather can make your teeth hurt. In response to heat and cold, your teeth expand and contract. Over time, this can cause cracks in your teeth, exposing the dentinal tubules beneath your enamel. It is the same toothache that you feel due to cavities, gum disease, and other bad oral habits.”
Drink warm beverages like warm water, green tea, or milk to stop your dentin and enamel from contracting in cold weather. It works because the warmth of warm beverages eases the discomfort brought on by a toothache by improving blood flow to the area and decreasing any accumulation of fluid in the tissues.
Drinking water will help your mouth produce more bacteria-fighting saliva, as well as rinse away remaining bacteria on the surface of your teeth. Plus, it will help avoid dry mouth.
Clove oil is beneficial as it contains the active ingredient eugenol, which is a natural anesthetic. It helps reduce pain and lessen discomfort to relieve toothaches.
Vitamin D plays an important role in bone and tooth mineralization. Lack of vitamin D can lead to tooth decay and brittle teeth that easily chip or crack.
Tooth whitening products such as whitening strips or gels can increase tooth sensitivity, so avoid them.
To prevent cold air from hurting your teeth, cover your mouth and breathe through your nose. This will prevent mouth breathing and cold air from affecting your teeth.
In case of pain and swelling, warm saline rinses play an important role in relieving symptoms. It has antimicrobial characteristics that can lessen swelling, soothe irritated and inflamed gums, and reduce inflammation.
Reduce your daily intake of acidic beverages such as carbonated drinks, as they may gradually wear away small bits of enamel.
Keep brushing your teeth as usual even if you have a toothache. Brush twice daily with a good toothpaste. Otherwise, not cleaning the teeth can accelerate the formation of cavities and bacterial encrustation. This can result in swelling as well.
Plaque bacteria produce acids that destroy your tooth enamel. Flossing daily can help prevent decay between your teeth.
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