Not having a bowel movement everyday can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Most people may feel shy while asking for help for these kinds of problems, but let us tell you that constipation is as common as having pimples during adolescence! So, shake off your embarrassment and know how to cure constipation with home remedies.
Constipation is a condition where a person has three or less bowel movements in a week or it takes a lot of time and effort to pass the stool. If you have been straining on the toilet seat every morning then you most probably have constipation.
Constipation is usually a result of dehydration, lack of fiber in your diet and physical inactivity which hardens your stool, That is why it hardens up and is sometimes painful to pass. Usually this condition is self-treatable with the help of some home remedies and lifestyle changes, but if you ever see blood in your stool, consulting a doctor will be a good idea.
Now, let’s refrain from going into sordid details like Mr Amitabh Bachchan’s character does in the Bollywood movie ‘Piku’, and have a look at these 4 things you can do at home to cure constipation.
Recently, Dr Siddhant Bhargava, a celebrity nutritionist, shared an Instagram reel where he suggests some methods to cure constipation:
Fibre is a kind of roughage that eases our digestion and softens the stool. The daily recommended amount of fibre is 30 grams. So, if you are constipated include high fibre foods like cucumber, nuts, apples, green leafy vegetables, etc.
If you are constipated, you will face trouble going to the loo the first thing in the morning. To help with that, you need to have a warm beverage once you wake up. As soon as you drink warm water, your colon gets a reflex hit, known as the gastro-colic reflex, and pushes out the stool.
Being dehydrated leads to hardening of the stool and leads to constipation, so it is extremely necessary that you consciously start drinking water. You need to have at least 8-10 glasses of water per day for a healthy functioning of your body.
Being inactive also leads to constipation. So, you must go for a walk after your meals or take up some sports activity, go to the gym. Do anything you like but should give you at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day.
So, adopt these lifestyle changes for a healthy digestive system and to cure constipation!
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