Everybody occasionally encounters digestive problems like gas, acidity, constipation, heartburn, or even diarrhoea. Some people are more prone to stomach distress. While stomach issues are common among people and occur frequently, it does not mean that they are normal or permanent. You can always solve the problem and have better digestion. The condition of your gut can affect every other part of your body, including your skin, immune system, sleep cycle, heart, brain, and more. So here are some suggestions if you’re wondering how to improve digestion.
Food is broken down into nutrients like carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, and protein if the digestion is healthy. These nutrients are then further absorbed into the bloodstream, where they can be used by your entire body for growth and repair by converting them into energy. However, you might have a number of issues if your digestive health is off balance.
To understand how to improve digestion, HealthShots asked nutritionist and Lifestyle Educator Karishma Chawla.
These foods are very challenging for the digestive system. The body has to supply its own nutrients and energy to metabolise, robbing the body’s reserves. Moreover, they have low fiber content which can make the digestion of food difficult and can aggravate gut problems such as acidity. Instead, choose whole foods because they are easy to digest!
Fiber helps to keep the colon healthy. It makes the stool soft, and bulky speeds up the transit time through the colon dilutes the effects of any toxic compounds, and helps to remove the bad bacteria! Target to consume 8-11 servings of fiber in the day consisting of veg juices, fruits, soups, salads, veggies, and whole grains. Fiber can also cleanse out bacteria.
Also read: 5 mistakes to avoid if you want to improve your digestion and reduce constipation
Low stomach acid results in belching, gas, heartburn, headaches, and fatigue. Experiment with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar (ACV) in water in the morning! These are healthy and will not cause any effect. Just remember to consume ACV in moderation.
Increase the intake of bitter foods such as dandelion greens, dandelion tea, arugula, spinach, dill, turmeric, and kale. These foods can help to stimulate the natural production of digestive enzymes and bile to break down the good more efficiently!
Probiotics are loaded with beneficial bacteria that strengthen the immune system, reduce chronic inflammation and help remedy leaky gut. So, eat fermented foods such as fermented veggies, coconut kefir, and probiotic supplements to keep your digestive system healthy and your stomach clean.
Also read: Digestion in winter: 5 yoga poses to reset your gut health
Chewing food will help digest foods efficiently and quickly. Saliva contains lots of enzymes that aid digestion! It’s best to take a few moments before your meal to express gratitude. This helps with the cephalic phase of digestion and helps to increase digestive fire.
It takes healthy muscle tone all over your abdomen for the food to digest optimally! So, ensure optimal hydration which helps with the health of the mucosal lining and supports the small intestinal bacteria for proper digestion, and helps prevent constipation.
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