Scorpio Daily Health Horoscope for March 17: Eye strain could be a terrible issue!

Scorpio Daily Health Horoscope for March 17: Instead of eating all at once, try to have small meals during the day!
Scorpio Daily Health Horoscope July 31
Sleep early to wake up refreshed.
Tamanna C Published: 17 Mar 2022, 12:01 am IST
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Health will need attention due to headaches and strain in the eyes. Disturbed sleep or long working hours can cause strain in your temple area. If you are prone to acidity, you might also get headaches due to acidity-related ideas or high blood pressure. Eat light and small meals rather than eating too much at once.

Work will be erratic. While new work will come through and you will get the support you need to execute new work, there will be stress because of pending work. You will have to be diplomatic with old clients. You might also have to outsource work or take help from co-workers to finish off pending work. Being brash and blatant today won’t help. Meetings might get delayed today due to other people’s stress.

Don’t carry work stress home, else it might affect your relationship with your partner. They could feel neglected. Take out time to pamper them and spend quality time doing something you both enjoy. Catching up on a movie will help you both de-stress. Family life will be stable. While social life will be balanced, you might have to address underlying friction with an old friend. They could be holding onto something from the past against you. Be a better listener and take responsibility for what you’ve done toward them in the past.

If you are single, you will begin to feel a deeper sense of connection with someone you’ve been getting to know or have been spending time with. Be honest with yourself about your emotions before confessing.

Activity tip: Write down your thoughts and ideas at work to remember them later
Lucky colour for work: Dark blue
Lucky colour for love: Baby pink
Karmic tip: Don’t assume too much

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About the Author

Tamanna C is an Angel Therapist, Psychic Healer and Spiritual Coach, Reiki practitioner, Crystal and Pranic Healer. She helps individuals in recognizing their underlying subconscious blocks and fears that might be affecting their personal and professional life. She specializes in past life healing, soul chart preparation, karma releasing, spirit guide connection. ...Read More

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