Gear up for a roller-coaster ride! Your emotions and general health will have a lot of ups and downs today. If Ketu is in your astrological sign, you may suffer from unexpected illnesses. Don’t do anything in haste. You will have to be patient because getting to the root of the problem will take a different approach. Be rest assured that your health concerns will improve with time.
Your inner power will assist you in overcoming life’s challenges. You must pay special attention to your eating habits and lifestyle during the first part of the year. Eat simple, home-cooked food. That will solve half your troubles and prepare you for the latter part of the year. You will feel refreshed and healthy.
If you have been trying to work on your body’s strength, don’t expect immediate results. Your physique can only be transformed if you push yourself and make physical exercise more difficult. Take command of your activities right now!
On the work front, your co-workers may be able to help you relax at work by diverting your attention away from it. Allow for this minor diversion in order to avoid overexertion. If you spend some time catching up with friends, you might find that your focus has improved and your energy has returned! If you make some creative alterations to your career life, you will have a better chance of making more money.
A word of caution for the senior citizens. They must look after their health, particularly their immunity. Needless to say, building immunity is the most important in these Covid-19 times.
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