Stiffness in your upper back and neck will cause irritation. Alter your sitting posture and reduce your tendency to have a sedentary lifestyle. Also avoid exerting yourself while indulging in a physical activity. Getting yourself a massage or taking steam will help you release the stiffness in your body. If you suffer from blood pressure issues, you could feel nausea or a nagging head ache due to imbalance. Get it checked and take necessary precautions to balance it.
At work, people will be demanding and you will have to push your way through for some moments of peace. Stay calm, and know that it will pass. Old clients will reconnect with you for more work.
Your family life will be stable. You will be able to enjoy some alone time with family members. An older family member will depend on you for decision making and you will have to finish some chores for them. A sibling’s health will need attention during the second half of the day. Be discreet about your work stress with family members as they could get worried for you. You should also avoid taking any stress.
Avoid friction with your partner or lover over something they may have said in a state of anger in the past. Be forgiving rather than carry past baggage in the present and ruining what you are building on with a new perspective.
Your social life will be hectic as friends may drop in to see you. You will also hear from an old friend. If you are single, you will continue to catch up with someone you may have recently met. Try to spend some quality time with them.
Sagittarius Activity Tip: Journaling your thoughts or just being grateful for what you have will help.
Sagittarius Health Tip: Be decisive.
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