Health will need attention due to recent hectic work and social schedule. A disturbed sleep pattern or lack of sleep will cause strain to your eyes. There could be some allergy or viral you could be coming down with. Avoid self-medication and consult a doctor before you self diagnose the issues. Don’t skip meals today, as your body will need the nutrition. Avoid over exerting yourself during physical activity. Stick to cardio as it will relax and revive your energies.
Work will be stressful due to delays from people at work. Some important meetings may get cancelled or delayed. You will also have to focus on pending work as you may have deadlines to meet. Seniors may add pressure on you to take up more responsibility for other co-workers. By the end of the day, you will just want to spend alone time and unwind.
Family life will need attention due to friction between other families members. An older family member’s health will need attention. You will spend quality time with your partner and pour your heart out to them. There will be family and social obligations and you’ll have to prioritise. Avoid talking about other people as it may backfire later. An old friend will call/drop in to seek some relationship advice. Make sure you give a non-biased point of view. Don’t give them advice based on your past experiences as it may not work for them.
If you are single, your friends will propose someone interesting that you must look into.
Activity tip- sleeping on time will help.
Lucky colour for work- light green.
Lucky colour for love- off white.
Karmic tip- be more flexible.
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