You will be feeling full of vitality throughout the month. You may even enjoy a sport of some kind and will be brimming with energy.
Make use of the golden occasions that present themselves in your life. Do not delay to attract positive vibes into your life. You will do well in your personal and professional life. This time belongs to you and your health and wealth will get stronger.
Keep your family’s health in check. Ensure that your children do not miss their doctors’ appointments. Also, ensure that you are always in good shape. Minor illnesses will not trouble you because you have things under control. All in all this month will bestow you with good health but you need to work towards it.
Take more fruits and vegetables to keep yourself fit.This will help you maintain good physical as well as mental health. Stay away from junk food as much as possible and sleep well. Lady luck or support from mother, wife or a female friend will enhance luck. Do some philanthropic activities. Your luck will enhance automatically.
Keeping fasts on Fridays will help you to go through your strategy easily for your personal and professional life.
Luck is on your side and it is as if the planets protect you and keep you from harm. The trends suggest that you will be generally healthy and will hear some good news about someone else’s health.
You are full of vitality and are brimming with energy. In fact, you would be the centre of attention because of your fitness and your energy levels. Keep up with your workout and diet.
But you must discipline yourself because your stars also suggest overindulgence so keep away from sweets or you will pile on the pounds. This would be a good period to make positive improvements in your lifestyle. Eat better, take some walks, calm down, give up smoking and soon you’ll be glowing with health.
But take care at the end of month. You may need to make a deliberate decision to unwind. You’ve a busy period ahead so make sure there’s some space for yourself particularly around mid of the month.
Your parents’ health should always come first, so make sure to feed them at the appropriate times. It’s possible that your children’s misbehavior will cause you stress, but their joyous antics will also bring you joy.
De-stress yourself. Walks and light exercise will bring benefits.Why not take up a part-time sport such as swimming? It can be a gentle way to keep fit and relieve those aches and pains.
You may have experienced some health problems which are now on the mend. The planets point to recovery from illness and healing powers are at work. A positive period when you see a great improvement in health. Try to take it easy during the coming days and recharge your batteries. So long as you’re strong willed you’ll sail through the period healthy.
Your health will become stronger, and you will succeed in life by fighting several barriers, blocks and hurdles. Your natural sensitivity makes you prone to tension, usually because you get too involved with everyone else’s problems, so make sure you take some time out that’s just for you.
This month you are likely to take control of your own health and may start cutting out the junk food and start exercising.start munching fresh fruit and vegetables with lots of nuts.
Stop worrying and take your life one day at a time. Short holidays or the occasional weekend break may be just enough to cool your hothead approach. Daily brisk walk is a must for you.
During the third week of the month, pay attention to the health of your siblings. They are not immune to mishaps. Consequently, do not allow them to lift heavy objects and ask them not to eat from outside restaurants.
Your general health will be good this month, but you should be aware that you may experience some mental stress. You may feel stressed out and exhausted due to over work, and thinking too much. During this month your energy resources are stretched to the limit
Stop worrying and take your life one day at a time. Yoga and meditation can help you cope with any anxieties you may be experiencing. Allow yourself to go to sleep at night and get some shut-eye. Relax your muscles by taking long baths or even getting a massage. Meditation and other self-care activities can help you stay centered in the here and now, so keep up the good work.
Eye problems may plague you during the third week of the month. If you find yourself in this situation, see a doctor right away and refrain from self-medicating. If you have already been diagnosed with an eye disease, make an appointment for a checkup as soon as possible. Short holidays or the occasional weekend break may be just enough to cool your hothead approach. Daily brisk walk is a must for you.
Be sure to wrap up warm because you may be prone to colds particularly in the second half of October. And take plenty of vitamins and minerals. By the end of October you’ll be well on the mend. Doing fasting on Thursday will help you to go through your strategy easily for your professional life
You are a born worrier and are prone to stress and tension. Some family members may disagree about something early in the month, which could lead to tensions in the bonds of your family.
You won’t get sick, but you’ll be weak physically. Headaches, neuralgia and migraines shall be common complaints There will be a feeling of laziness in the mind, and it will be difficult to focus on anything. Alternatively, you could try to avoid going to work altogether. Doing Yoga before you get out of bed in the morning will help you get the best results. It’s not going to be a problem physically, but overthinking some things can lead to stress. As a result, rather than wasting time worrying about them, it is preferable if you work to resolve them
The very beginning of the month will be a little sluggish but the demands on you will slowly but consistently lessen. By mid October you will notice that life has become much more easy going and the demands on you will seem far less. By the end of the month you will feel less restless and look back knowing that you have worked hard, made changes and achieved a lot.
The hectic pace means that more than ever you must take time out to unwind. You may be prone to muscular aches and pains, so take extra care and keep yourself as supple as you can. Short breaks may be just enough to cool you
Disturbing thoughts may arise and it is likely that this will keep the mind agitated. Maintain a soft demeanor in order to avoid increasing the agitation. You’ll get better results if you share your stuff with someone. You are going to feel weak emotionally but you have your family by your side.
This month is a great opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your family members. There’s a new emotional beginning at the family front. Some emotional happiness is your way this month. Focus on your mental health. Don’t feel shy about taking help emotionally. Your attitude towards your health is very important and that’s going to define you this month. Make a new practical beginning towards your health this month.
Overall, the year will be good health-wise, except for some occasional problems with your health such as cold, cough, and some viral infections. Take more fruits and vegetables to keep yourself fit. This will help you maintain good physical as well as mental health. Stay away from junk food as much as possible.
Take extra care of your parents’ health during this time as ill health of parents is indicated and you may even incur expenses on their health. You are advised to take all precautionary measures during this time.
Doing fasting on Thursday will help you and wearing golden colored clothes will also be favourable for you.
This month you have been so busy that you may occasionally have been stressed-out that you indulged in overeating. You’ll continue to pile on the pounds. You are liable to neglect your health.
In the middle of month, your vitality will be low. If you’ve been on a waiting list your turn for attention finally arrives and the results look promising. So take it easy and recharge your batteries.
Please pay attention to health worries and see the doctor if you’re unsure about a complaint. It is important to rest properly whenever you can so that you don’t burn yourself out from over-work. Adventure trips should be avoided during this time, as the planets do not favour adventures during this phase. If you have to leave the house for work, do so with caution.
The planets and stars still hold you in check making you feel restless and sometimes moody. You may be prone to illnesses connected with movement such as muscular aches and pains, arthritis and rheumatism. However, there won’t be any major health problems. Fitness and energy level for the natives look at par.
Also bones and teeth may give trouble. This would be a good period to make positive improvements in your lifestyle. Eat better, take some walks, calm down, give up smoking and soon you’ll be glowing with health. The situation will improve if you meditate
Although, you will have a lot on your plate in terms of responsibilities that might exhaust you, and even though you realize the same, you might not try to change it much. There may be some blood pressure issues too.
Make a new practical beginning towards your health this year. Focus on your mental health. Don’t feel shy about taking help emotionally. You are going to feel weak emotionally but you have your family by your side. Your attitude towards your health is very important and that’s going to define you this year.
Make sure you sleep and eat well. You need to be alert at the time of weather change, otherwise you may catch diseases like cold and cough. Protect yourself and your family against minor ailments like cough and cold as the weather is changing, and you have to take care of it.
Life partner’s and children’s health may also bother you. If you have trouble in any part of the body this month, consult a doctor instead of adopting a home remedy or any other alternative therapy. Drive the vehicle very carefully, and avoid any debate because this time is not good for you. If you plan to go on a long journey, then make all the necessary arrangements well in advance and take care of yourself during the trip.
Your health will not be excellent. You may have to face many health problems this month. At the beginning of the month, you may be in the grip of infections or allergic reactions. Instead of ignoring this, consult a doctor. Due to eating unhygienic food, your stomach may remain disturbed. Therefore it is better to monitor what you eat. You should stay away from junk food.
If you go on a long journey this month, choose your restaurants carefully. Eat only hygienic food and keep a distance from meat and alcohol. Plan an exercising routine to enjoy health to the fullest.
In the middle of this month, you may go on a trip with your family, which will add to the list of your expenses. The health of a person in the family may also be weak. The burden of its expenses will come only on your shoulders. So keep your hand tight from the beginning of the month to avoid the financial crunch.
Possibility of some good news coming from your children at the end of month. This may be related to study or health or anything else.
Help the needy as much as possible and engage in regular yoga and pranayama practices to combat the effects of heat exhaustion and other physical ailments. Doing yoga and some light exercises in the morning would be very beneficial.
Luck is on your side and it is as if the planets protect you and keep you from harm. The trends suggest that you will be generally healthy and will have some good news about someone else’s health.
At the beginning of the month you will feel very energetic. This month your financial condition will be strong. You’ll be able to think more clearly and come up with new ideas, which will lead to an increase in your creativity. You may evenly balance your work life. There may not be many complications at work, so you may not have to worry about work stress. You may be able to maintain a perfect balance between your health and your personal life.
Some of you may have a sensitive throat, so try to avoid eating fast food and aerated drinks as a throat infection is indicated at this time, which predicts your health horoscope.
Your skin may suffer the effects of pollution, so proper care should be taken. Do not ignore any health issue and go for treatment immediately.
This month may prove excellent for matters related to your health, but your parent’s health may be a matter of concern. This is the reason why you need to take additional care. Keep a constant check on their health. Make sure you check if they have taken their medicines on time. Take care of their doctor’s appointments as well. In case of any signs of weakness, or sickness make sure you consult the doctor immediately.
This month isn’t good for your health, and you’re more than likely to get sick than usual. You are a born worrier and are prone to stress and tension. Those who are suffering from hypertension may need to be extra careful during this period. The hectic pace means that more than ever you must take time out to unwind. You may be prone to muscular aches and pains, so take extra care and keep yourself as supple as you can.
This month is going to be up and down for you mentally. When you’re having a good day, it’s normal to have a bad day the next day. Along with your physical health, mental health should also be given priority. Short breaks may be just enough to cool you. Medication, exercise, and good food should be of utmost positivity.
Make sure you take 20 minutes out of your day to practice meditation, calmness, and peace. Meditation might help you on the journey. Starting your morning with meditation helps set a great tone for the entire day. We feel less vulnerable and calmer right from the morning and tend to take that energy into every activity we do throughout the day. Inculcating morning meditation into our morning routine helps us to be patient, calm, less judgmental, and take criticism and negativity in a much more effective way.
Be a good human being. Love everyone. Don’t hate anybody. Show universal love. Doing fasting on Friday will help you to go through your strategy easily for your professional life.
This month may be an excellent time to enjoy your health. You should avoid drinking cold drinks and alcoholic beverages during the middle of the year as they may cause problems on the health front. Addictions of any kind may not help you to maintain good health. Since you have been born to utilize good health for this long, keep up the excellent job, and don’t get into the habit of junk food and the sedentary lifestyle just because everything is back on track again.
To maintain health, keep up with your workouts. A fit body is a result of a healthy diet and exercise. They both play an integral part and often go hand in hand. Maintain diet and fitness both, as changes in your diet or workout could lead to the relapse of health issues. Maintainyour health by avoiding unhealthy eating habits, helping you achieve your fitness goals.
If you do not want to go to a gym, then you can try out fitness classes. It may be beneficial to lose weight, plus it may make you feel lively and cheerful, says your horoscope.
Doing yoga and some light exercises in the morning would be very beneficial as it gives energy to the body and helps in keeping the health problems at bay. Go for morning or evening walks as this would improve your blood circulation and improve your fitness considerably. Alternatively, you can even sit in the park as it may give you peace of mind.
There is a possibility of frequent travel so do not ignore your health. Be conscious of what you eat this month.. Avoid eating out and strictly stay away from any street food. Regular exercise and dietary foods will help to keep yourself fit and fine.
About the expert:
Mr Pankaj Khanna who is a Delhi-based astrologer and gemologist. He is the chairman of Khanna Gems.
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