Health will need attention due to body aches and pain. It could be because of weak muscles or exerting yourself while playing a sport or working out. A massage or physiotherapy might help you relieve the pain. You also need to cut down on emotional eating and go on a detox.
Work will be stressful, as you will be faced with criticism due to your passive-aggressive behaviour. Co-workers could feel intimidated by your sharpness and over ambitious behaviour. Listen to what people have to say and be more objective and open to mending your ways rather than taking things too personally or withdrawing in your shell. Expect new job/ role opportunities to come through second half of the day.
Family relationships will be smooth. An older family member’s health will need attention the first half of the day but nothing major that will interfere with your routine. Partner’s health will need attention due to being overworked. Spend time with them. It will do you both some good helping you both de-stress and unwind. Social life will take a back seat as you will go out of your way to spend quality time with your partner.
If you are single, you will be on a roll as you will get a lot of attention. Just make sure it doesn’t make you arrogant.
Activity tip: Yoga and meditation will help you.
Lucky colour for work: Off-white.
Lucky colour for love: Red.
Karmic tip: Be assertive.
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