Today, Mars enters retrograde in your sixth house. This may cause you to slow down in order to care for yourself. There’s no cause of worry as such, but Leo natives may have to deal with seasonal health concerns. The changing season is a breeding ground for flu and other conditions. But you will be geared up with everything you need to overcome these health concerns.
When Jupiter moves forward, your outlook towards life will change – for the better! Towards the third quarter of today, your head and heart will be filled with new ideas and thoughts. You will be brimming with energy and enthusiasm in taking these ideas forward. This emotional energy will nudge you to put existing goals into action, finally! And what’s more? The planetary movements will shower you with all the luck you will need to succeed at whatever you undertake today.
When Mars progresses, activities continue to thrive. When Saturn turns direct in Sagittarius, your health will continue to be strong, supporting you as you enjoy even more improvements on different fronts of your life. Your spirit is better and able to face anything life throws at you. This is what happens when you have a strong support system.
When Jupiter moves into Scorpio, this will be put to the test. When Mars enters Aquarius, you will need to pay heed to your body’s cautions and suggestions. It’s important that you listen to your body. The events that occur during this time will require you to be aware of your health, particularly if you have stomach problems. So my dear, watch your tummy and be aware of what you eat. Don’t pop medicines without consulting an expert.
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