Leo Daily Health Horoscope for June 7: Sleep well

Leo Daily Health Horoscope for June 7: You need to focus on your sleeping patterns to feel fresh and focused.
Leo Daily Health Horoscope July 29
Don’t skip meals.
Tamanna C Published: 7 Jun 2022, 12:01 am IST
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Dear Leo, your health will be unstable today and this could also take a toll on your emotional well-being. Disturbed sleep patterns will cause you to be cranky. Don’t over exert yourself and keep resting in between work. Drink plenty of fluids and hydrate yourself well. Avoid sleeping late at night for a peaceful sleep.

On the work front, your day will be demanding, but your co-workers will step in and help you finish off your pending work. You will get the support you need to get the pressure off you. Your seniors at work will give you more power to make decisions regarding new work. At first, it will be intimidating and overwhelming for you but after a little boost and support from your co-workers you will feel more confident in taking charge.

One of your family member’s health will need attention today. You will also have to help them financially. Your partner will be cranky due to ongoing unresolved stress from your side. Don’t neglect their emotional needs, else it might cause more drama in the relationship; take out some time for them and listen to how they feel. Social life will be slow as resolving things with your partner or your family will be a priority.

If you are single, you will take a back seat due to exhaustion from a long day at work.

Activity tip: Cardio or running will help.
Lucky colour for work: Beige.
Lucky colour for love: Pink.
Health tip: Be more attentive.

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About the Author

Tamanna C is an Angel Therapist, Psychic Healer and Spiritual Coach, Reiki practitioner, Crystal and Pranic Healer. She helps individuals in recognizing their underlying subconscious blocks and fears that might be affecting their personal and professional life. She specializes in past life healing, soul chart preparation, karma releasing, spirit guide connection. ...Read More

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