Health Horoscope Today December 4, 2022: Acidity may be a concern for you

Health Horoscope Today, December 4, 2022: Don't skip meals to avoid acidity, and know what your stars say for your health.
Daily Health Horoscope
Health Horoscope Today! Read your Daily Health Horoscope.
Tamanna C Published: 4 Dec 2022, 05:00 am IST
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Aries Health Horoscope Today

Health will need attention in the second half of the day. Don’t over strain your back while doing physical activities. Sleep will be disturbed due to discomfort and pain. You’ll have so much to do mentally that you won’t know where to start. Family members will be demanding and there will be unnecessary stress due to their partner or their health. While you may Have a mind of your own and opinions on certain matters, avoid proving a point, as people around may not get it. Social life will take a back seat due to family obligations.

Love tip: Spend quality time with your partner.
Activity tip: Deep breathing exercise during work hours will help.
Lucky colour for work: Light pink.
Lucky colour for love: Sea blue.
Health tip: Be discreet.

Taurus Health Horoscope Today

Health will be alright but due to a hectic day you might feel exhausted. Eat light and keep drinking enough fluids during the day. A hectic day, where everything you plan will materialise. Don’t spread yourself too thin as you may feel exhausted by the end of the day. Also don’t seek approval from older family members. Avoid friction with a friend or someone might just drain you out due to their attitude. Be more patient with yourself today.

Love tip: Be more emotionally communicative with your partner.
Activity tip: Practise gratitude.
Lucky colour for work: Dark blue.
Lucky colour for love: Black.
Health tip: Don’t seek approval.

Gemini Health Horoscope Today

Health will need attention due to back and neck-related issues. It could be the wrong posture or sleeping position. Do some yoga or stretching. A slow day where you will just want to unwind and mentally disconnect from people, but others might have plans in which your presence might be needed. An unavoidable situation might crop up with family members. There might be issues between others and you might get dragged into their drama. While social life will be stable, due to being mentally pre-occupied with family stress, you may not be fully attentive.

Love tip: Don’t blow things out of proportion.
Activity tip: Read a book to unwind.
Lucky colour for work: Lavender.
Lucky colour for love: Red.
Health tip: Don’t magnify problems.

Cancer Health Horoscope Today

Take care of acidity and chest related issues. If you suffer from high blood pressure, that could be a point of concern. Slow down the mental pace of your mind. You will be physically tired but mentally very active. While everything on the physical level will be smooth and stable, and people will go out of their way to comfort you, you might still take things personally and be too critical. Avoid friction with a family member over money matters. Partner’s health will need attention. Social life will be slow.

Love tip: You will go out of your way to make your partner feel
Activity tip: Focus on your spiritual goals.
Lucky colour for work: Light blue.
Lucky colour for love: Black.
Health tip: Be a better listener.

Leo Health Horoscope Today

Try and rest your mind by getting back to a physical activity that will ground your energies. Take care of food related allergies today. A hectic day with too much to do. You might spend the day meeting some people who can help you sort our work issues. Family member’s health will need attention due to which family obligations might get cancelled or delayed. While social life will be stable, you might make some last minute changes with friends.

Love tip: You will have an exciting date planned
Activity tip: A long walk post work will help you clear your thoughts.
Lucky colour for work: Off-white.
Lucky colour for love: Dark blue.
Health tip: Don’t magnify problems.

Virgo Health Horoscope Today

Health will not see any changes. Avoid eating out late at night due to social obligations. Keep yourself well hydrated. Work will be emotionally taxing and someone at work might drain you out. Don’t over react else it will make things worse. Friends and family might try to cheer you up. Avoid repeating your issues with everyone as people might simply get tired of listening and may not understand your point of view. By the end of the day you’ll feel better and may also be in a mood to step out for a movie or dinner.

Love tip: You will find the need to withdraw emotionally from your
Activity tip: Sketch or doodle your thoughts.
Lucky colour for work: Grey.
Lucky colour for love: Dark blue.
Health tip: Don’t take impulsive decisions.

Libra Health Horoscope Today

You will wake up feeling like you haven’t slept at all. It could be because of your mind being over active with hundred things to do simultaneously. Due to stress at work, you will spend the day catching up on mental rest and sleep. Family plans will go smoothly, but again the evening will be spent in the company of a book or a movie. Don’t take things personally, and if something is bothering you, taking advice from a family member will help you feel better. Social life will be stable as you reconnect with old friends.

Love tip: Be tolerant with your partner.
Activity tip: Try and chant or meditate before sleeping.
Lucky colour for work: Grey.
Lucky colour for love: White.
Health tip: Avoid being moody at work.

Scorpio Health Horoscope Today

While you wake up from the bed wanting to go back to sleep and might feel cranky with your partner during the first half of the day, the second half will be much better. Avoid discussing work with family members as they may not be in a mood of listening to work talks. Work will be hectic and productive. Expect delays in meetings in the second half of the day. Hectic social obligations will keep you busy in the evening. You’ll also reconnect with family or friends after a long

Love tip: Spend quality time with your partner.
Activity tip: Have a salt-water bath post work.
Lucky colour for work: Green.
Lucky colour for love: Light blue.
Health tip: Don’t co-relate the present to the past.

Sagittarius Health Horoscope Today

Take care of your posture during work hours. Don’t skip meals, as you may feel acidic in the second half of the day. It’s going to be a day filled with surprises and changes. You will take up feeling charged bouncing with energy and while there is a lot that you want to do, you will have to slow down due to plans or obligations made by others. You might feel agitated but by the end of the day it will be a day filled with fun and joy. Friends will go out of their way to catch up with you.

Love tip: Partner will give you a lot of emotional support you
Activity tip: Take up a music or language class.
Lucky colour for work: Yellow.
Lucky colour for love: Green.
Health tip: Be more assertive.

Capricorn Health Horoscope Today

A slow start to the day, where you will feel lazy and lethargic but the second half will keep you busy with family obligations. Avoid unnecessary friction with your sibling or younger family member. Eat on time. The second half of the day will be socially busy and you’ll have plans of catching up with old friends.

Love tip: Avoid bickering over money matters with your partner.
Activity tip: Organise your closet space.
Lucky colour for work: Light pink.
Lucky colour for love: Red.
Health tip: Be a better listener.

Aquarius Health Horoscope Today

Sleep patterns will be much better which will give you the energy to bounce back and feel fresher. Sensitive eyes and upper back pain will be of concern second half of the day. You’ll spend the day finishing off pending work and organising your house or closet. You’ll also have plans of outing with family, but you might just feel physically tired to step out. While the day will be well spent in company of loved ones, you’ll feel spaced out and find the need to spend some alone time without any noise or company of others.

Love tip: Relationship wont be a priority for you today as you may want to clear your
head from your past baggage.
Activity tip: Spend time amidst nature.
Lucky colour for work: Grey.
Lucky colour for love: Lavender.
Health tip: Follow your heart.

Pisces Health Horoscope Today

Getting back to a physical activity or a spiritual activity will help you channel your energies and give you peace of mind. Balance water in take today. A hectic day where you have everything planned. You’ll have open communication with family members on pending decisions and even speak your mind out. Social obligations might get delayed or cancelled last minutes so don’t be disappointed. An older family member’s health might be of concern. Social life will be slow.

Love tip: Be discreet with your partner about work stress.
Activity tip: Meditation when you wake up in the morning.
Lucky colour for work: Grey.
Lucky colour for love: Dark green.
Health tip: Don’t seek approval from people.

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About the Author

Tamanna C is an Angel Therapist, Psychic Healer and Spiritual Coach, Reiki practitioner, Crystal and Pranic Healer. She helps individuals in recognizing their underlying subconscious blocks and fears that might be affecting their personal and professional life. She specializes in past life healing, soul chart preparation, karma releasing, spirit guide connection. ...Read More

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