Health Horoscope Today August 15, 2022: This horoscope predicts what your day will be like

Here is what you can expect from your day in terms of your health, work and relationships.
Daily Health Horoscope
Health Horoscope Today! Read your Daily Health Horoscope for October 18, 2022.
Tamanna C Published: 15 Aug 2022, 05:00 am IST
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Dear Aries native, your health horoscope for today predicts that your health will be stable. Slight back pain will make you uncomfortable, but doing stretches or getting a back massage will help you. You will be a happy person at work, no matter what the results are. New ideas and opportunities will fill your day but don’t rush into decisions today. Think about it from all possible angles and then make a final decision. Some financially beneficial work will come through and brighten up your day. Don’t hesitate to take advice from your seniors at work as they will be willing to help you. One of your family member’s health will need attention today but nothing major to worry about. Your evening will be spent in the company of your loved ones.

Love tip: Your partner might feel physically drained out and make changes in plans at the last moment.
Activity tip: Practise gratitude.
Lucky colour for work: Off white.
Lucky colour for love: Blue.
Health tip- Don’t seek approval.


The Taurus health horoscope for today suggests that your health will need attention today. Your sleep will be disturbed and hence you will lack focus today. You need to take up some calming activities where you can focus on just being by yourself without carrying the worldly stress. Avoid skipping meals. You will have too much to do in such little time, that you will have to change the way you work. Your co-workers will be supportive, but be trusting towards their hard work. Your health will need attention, especially in terms of your back and knees. Your family life will be stressful due to friction with your partner. Socially, you will be on a roll with obligations to attend.

Love tip: If you are single, you will meet like minded people today at an event.
Activity tip: Read or listen to calming music to improve the quality of your sleep.
Lucky colour for work: Lavender.
Lucky colour for love: Beige.
Health tip: Don’t magnify your problems.


Dear Gemini natives, according to your health predictions for today you will feel tired. There will be strain in your eyes due to long working hours in the second half of the day. Using eye drops will help lubricate your eyes and fight dryness. Today will be a day of shift in perceptions. All your beliefs will be challenged be it at work or personal life. You will have a lot of explaining and convincing to do. Let the end result be surrendered to the universe. Be more flexible, else you might regret your persistence later.

Love tip: Your partner’s health will need attention and you will have to attend to their needs.
Activity tip: Yoga and deep breathing exercises before work will help you be more focussed.
Lucky colour for work: Yellow
Lucky colour for love: Off white.
Health tip: Be forgiving.


The Cancer health horoscope for today predicts that you will have to focus on your health today. You might feel sensitivity in your stomach in the second half of the day, so avoid eating out and eat only healthy home-cooked meals. Have enough fiber and fluids during the day. Watch out for some good news. New opportunities will come your way and the decisions you make today will be life altering. You may have to make decisions by yourself. If you are depending on people, not much will be done. Eye strain and headaches will drain you out. Family life will be stable but social life will be very hectic. You may make plans but won’t feel like going last minute. You will have to push yourself to attend to social obligations.

Love tip: You may not get time for your partner as you may have some other social obligations to attend.
Activity tip: Sleep on time.
Lucky colour for work: Light blue.
Lucky colour for love: Black.
Health tip: Be a better listener.


Dear Leo natives, your daily health horoscope suggests that your health will be sensitive today. You will have to follow some treatment to get your stamina and health back on track. While work will come through and you get desired results, arguments or difference in opinion with people will drain you out. Be a better listener and be more flexible. Today, your family life will be stable but due to stress at work you won’t enjoy your personal relationships. You will have to leave your work stress at the office rather than carrying it in your personal space because that is bound to upset your family members at home.

Love tip: You will help your partner calm down after they have had a long day at work.
Activity tip: Have a salt-water bath post work.
Lucky colour for work: Dark blue.
Lucky colour for love: White.
Health tip: Be organised.


Your health will need attention, indicates the Virgo health horoscope for today. You will have a sensitive stomach today, so avoid overeating as it might backfire and make you feel sick. You need to be more balanced during your day especially in areas of food and having fluids. You will have to be more balanced and follow your heart. Getting carried away by people won’t help. On the work front, your day will be stable but you still won’t be happy with your hard work. Stop being so harsh on yourself. Finances will flow in and hence, your family life will be stable as you bond with your loved ones over dinner or a movie. Today, your social life will take a back seat.

Love tip: If you are single, you will find the need to get on a dating app.
Activity tip: Spend some time listening to chants or calming music.
Lucky colour for work: Sea green.
Lucky colour for love: Pink.
Health tip: Don’t doubt other people’s intentions.


Dear Libra natives, your health predictions suggest that you will be in good health today. On the work front, your day will be slow as no matter what you do, people won’t be on the same page as you. You will have to be more patient with them. Avoid being impulsive and think twice before making any major decisions. People at work may try your patience, but by evening the friction will settle. Pending payments will clear out giving you some relief. Today, your family life will be smooth, but your social life will be hectic. No matter what your mood is, you will have to step out to meet social obligations.

Love tip: Be discreet about your issues with your partner.
Activity tip: Go for a long walk or run to clear your head.
Lucky colour for work: White.
Lucky colour for love: Light green.
Health tip: Be decisive.


Dear Scorpio natives, today your health will be stable because of resting well and sleeping early. You need to be more balanced with your diet and workout routine. Don’t take out the anger of one person onto another else you will land up in a fix which will be difficult to clear. On the work front, your day will be stable and new opportunities will come in. Those looking for a change of job will get clarity today. Your family life will be stable today. On the social front, you will withdraw from a friend who could push your wrong button. No point confronting. Just sleep over it.

Love tip: The singles will connect with an ex from their past.
Activity tip: Take out time to organise your personal space.
Lucky colour for work: Dark blue.
Lucky colour for love: Grey.
Health tip: Be assertive.


Dear Sagittarius natives, your health and fitness horoscope suggests that your health will need attention today. You may wake up feeling very tired and exhausted today because of a lack of sleep. You need to sleep on time. Try reading a book or meditating before you go to beed for some quality sleep. You will have too much on your mind that needs to be cleared. Seek help from a professional if need be. You can’t do everything by yourself. On the work front, your day will be slow, since family will be a priority today. People at home will turn to you for guidance and support.

Love tip: Avoid friction with your partner because of your mental fatigue.
Activity tip: Try and do some physical activity before work.
Lucky colour for work: White.
Lucky colour for love: Red.

Health tip: Be open to receiving.


The health horoscope of Capricorn suggests that you will wake up feeling fresh, energised and highly motivated. Everything will be as stable as you want it to be. You will make extra efforts to get back to your physical activity routine. This will be a good ideas as it will help you get back your stamina and clarity of thought. You will spend some quality time with your family and friends. Have an open heart to heart conversations and clear the air about certain past issues to strengthen your relationships. You will spend the evening unwinding at home in the company of your loved ones. Balance your eating patterns today for a healthy gut.

Love tip: Your partner will go out of their way to make you feel special.
Activity tip: Remove time to play a sport that calms you down.
Lucky colour for work: Lavender.
Lucky colour for love: Light green.
Health tip: Be discreet.


The Aquarius health horoscope predicts that your health will be better than before today. While you may have a lot to do mentally, physically you won’t have the energy to execute your plans. Neck and eye strain will come in the way of your day to day activities. It is one of those days where you just can’t make decisions impulsively. You know what you want but there is no physical implementation. On the work front, your day will be slow with delay in meetings or clarity. There can also be differences of opinion with your co-workers. On the family front, your life will be stable but socially you will withdraw due to a friend’s cold behaviour.

Love tip: You will be helping your partner with some financial advice to help them solve their problem.
Activity tip: Meditate post work to destress yourself.
Lucky colour for work- Beige.
Lucky colour for love: White.
Health tip: Be more patient.


Dear Pisces natives, your health will need attention today. If you suffer from blood pressure related issues, expect it to fluctuate due to mental stress. Going for a walk or meditating will help you disconnect from your stress. On the work front, your day will be slow due to delay from the other people’s end. Don’t depend too much on people to make the decisions for you. You need to take charge of your responsibilities. Avoid being judgemental. Today, your family life will be erratic as everyone seems to be busy with their own life. Due to hectic working hours, socially you will withdraw. Even if there is a plan, you will just be there for the sake of it.

Love tip: Your love life will take a back seat today.
Activity tip: Dancing will help you unwind.
Lucky colour for work: Light pink.
Lucky colour for love: Sea green.
Health tip: Don’t procrastinate.


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About the Author

Tamanna C is an Angel Therapist, Psychic Healer and Spiritual Coach, Reiki practitioner, Crystal and Pranic Healer. She helps individuals in recognizing their underlying subconscious blocks and fears that might be affecting their personal and professional life. She specializes in past life healing, soul chart preparation, karma releasing, spirit guide connection. ...Read More

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