Health will be better than before and you will consciously make an effort to discipline your routine. Avoid skipping meals. A minor headache could trouble you the second half of the day. If you are prone to allergies, home remedies will help. Don’t over magnify problems when it comes to your health. Take time post work to unwind and write your thoughts..
On the work front, you will need to focus on one thing at a time. Don’t over promise and under deliver else it could lead to friction. With seniors or co-workers. Old clients will depend on you and pressurize you to finish off pending work. You need to take charge of situations today rather than leaving it solely to people. As it might backfire. Financial good news will come your way today regarding some stuck payments.
Family life will be smooth, as family members will go out of their way and reach out to you to check you’re well being, you might even pre plan some get together or activity/ travel plans in weeks to come. Avoid friction with partner over their time management skills. They could be busy today and not be able to give you the attention you need and it’s completely ok. Social life will be hectic as an old friend will reach out to you and will want to spend quality time with you. You will also discuss work related ideas and get their advice on the same.
If you are single, you will touch base with a friend’s friend to show that you are interested in getting to know them.
Activity tip- Practising gratitude will help you re-focus.
Lucky colour for work- Grey.
Lucky colour for love-Dark green.
Karmic tip- Be gentler with yourself.
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