The planets are not expected to have a significant negative impact on your health today, Capricorn. This implies that your health will be in good condition. The main piece of advice is to limit your bad habits during certain times of the day. Excess of anything is never a good idea; practice moderation and you will always be fine. Try and have a healthy diet, work out regularly, and don’t forget to catch up on 8-9 hours of sleep, every single night.
The Sun may cause health issues for your partner, but your own health is likely to be fine. You can direct your energy toward assisting them. However, Mercury enters Leo, and health issues, particularly those related to eating, may arise in your own life. You should keep a close eye on your diet and eliminate unhealthy snacks and binge eating from your life. Try and make little lifestyle changes, and you will build these habits in the long run. If you continue to have a healthy diet, the impact will show up, both in your physical and mental health.
Your health should be fine for the rest of the day, but you should always be cautious if you notice any symptoms of a condition that requires medical attention. There’s really no point in delaying a visit to the doctor. Symptoms, when caught early, can help to treat the disease in time.
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