Dear Cancer natives, your health may be sensitive today due to strain in the temple area and disturbed sleep. You will wake up feeling tired and fatigue. This may also lead to lack in clarity of thought for the day. You might even feel moody and irritable. The best way to deal with this is trying to get a nap during the day. You must watch what you say and how you react to people at work or with family members, as not everyone will understand your altered mood.
Your work will be physically demanding today and you will be juggling multiple things. You might find yourself all over the place – physically and mentally. But important meetings lined up today will go as per planned and will work in your favour. Those looking for expansion, new projects and a job, will lay a foundation for something new or talk to people about it. Organize your paper work. Finances will be stuck due to stress at other people’s end.
Expect your family life to be stable. Be open to taking advice from friends. Your partner’s health will need attention. They have been neglecting their health and it could also be some work-related stress that could be affecting their health. Spend time with them as well, no matter how tired you are.
If you are single, you will continue connecting with someone you are attracted to. Don’t rush into anything because of your emotions. Make sure you know the background details about this person.
Activity tip: Dance or jogging will help you relax.
Lucky colour for work: Light blue
Lucky colour for love: Mauve
Health tip: Don’t fear the past
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