At the start of the day, Saturn will make a full aspect of the rising sign. You will feel weary and lethargic, and you may get shivers and pain in your legs, knees, and ankles. Those with diabetes or who are obese should take extra measures. Drop your habit of unhealthy eating and make sure you get firm on shedding some extra kilos to prevent any chronic ailments in future. There are chances that these existing health conditions may exacerbate existing issues. Check your sugar levels on a daily basis, and stay away from sweets and starchy meals during this time. You can consume sugar in natural form to satiate your cravings, but in a limited quantity.
Your abdominal issues will cause you to consider your health. If you have a history of high blood pressure, you will feel uneasy and restless. If you have high blood pressure, avoid overworking yourself. Don’t overwork your body and make sure you are not working out for too long. You need to de-stress your body in order to lower your blood pressure level. Overburdening yourself with work load and not taking time to rest will lead to fatigue and unrest. A high level of physical exercise might raise your blood pressure, and that can be dangerous. It is advised to limit your physical activities for a few days and just switch to basic stretching to maintain your flexibility. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and avoid skipping meals today.
Avoid working late and eat hygienic foods. It’s vital to obtain enough sleep in order to avoid placing too much stress on your body. Oily foods, salt, and refined sugar are just a few of the things that might harm a Cancerians’ health. Such meals should be avoided at all costs.
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