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These 5 powerful benefits of dalia will convince you eat it for breakfast daily

Dalia is a storehouse of nutrients and is loaded with the added benefits of high fibre.
health benefits of dalia
It’s dalia for the win, you guys! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Chetna Pattnaik Published: 10 Jul 2020, 03:33 pm IST
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Dalia, in most Indian homes, is a regular feature when it comes to breakfast. Dalia, or broken wheat, is a cereal grain that forms an integral part of the staple diet. And why not? With more and more people getting health conscious by the day, something as basic as a bowl of Dalia or Bulgar can do the trick. 

In fact, it is only now that most people are realizing that it is a storehouse of nutrients and is loaded with the added benefits of high fiber. Here are 5 ways in which it boosts your health:

1. Prevents constipation
Dalia is rich in fibre and functions as an excellent laxative. This means that it helps in the flushing of toxins and waste products from the intestines as well as the digestive tracts of the human body. It regularizes bowel movement, phasing out the risk of constipation. In fact, it can also reduce the risk of developing piles.
It is due to the high fibre content that it can also reduce the symptoms of diverticular diseases like abdominal pain, nausea, gas formation, and bloated abs.

Flush your constipation away with a daily dose of dalia. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Helps in weight loss
Dalia’s high fibre content gives you a feeling of fullness, leaving no room for overeating. A recent study discovered that women who consumed whole grains daily had balanced weights compared to those who consumed refined grains. So, if you have been dreaming of achieving effective weight loss, adding dalia to your daily diet is a must.

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Weight loss never looked so easy. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Helps in muscle mass gain
If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then you would definitely understand how important your protein intake is. Dalia being a rich source of proteins and a number of vitamins, works great for building muscles.

signs of protein deficiency
Keep a check on your protein count if you want to gain those muscles and dalia can help with that. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4.Good for diabetics 
Dalia or bulgar contains low glycemic index and complex carbohydrates. This ensures that the release of glucose into the blood is slow and steady. That way you also consume less calories and are able to better manage your blood sugar levels.

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Dalia serves as a great meal for Diabetics. Keeps sugar level in check Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Anti-inflammatory benefits
The consumption of betaine, a metabolic component found in whole grains like dalia, results in lowered levels of homocysteine which is responsible for chronic inflammation. When dalia is consumed as a part of your daily diet, it can help in alleviating chronic inflammation.

The refined carbohydrates that are available in the form of white flour or white rice are directly proportional to weight gain and hence, are a big no-no. Individuals who regularly consume these refined carbohydrates are at a greater risk of increased metabolic syndrome and a number of cardiovascular diseases.

Dalia is a whole grain and can protect the body against symptoms of metabolic syndrome like high blood pressure, obesity, and high level of triglycerides. This would also reduce the risk of insulin resistance. 

With such a wholesome diet at your disposal, its time you add a bowl of Dalia to your daily intake!

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About the Author

Understanding fitness the hard way, Chetna has finally learnt to strike a balance between her protein shake and her beer and making room for her writing desk and her gym at the same time. ...Read More

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