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10 reasons why you should eat boiled eggs

Boiled eggs are dubbed as "powerhouse of food" or "superfood," and why not? After all, boiled eggs are good for you.
lean protein foods
10 reasons why you should eat boiled eggs. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock
Updated On: 2 Dec 2022, 01:04 pm IST
  • 191

Are you one of those who starts the day with eggs? Do you like them as poached, scrambled, omelette, or boiled? The good news is that an egg has many nutrients that can help your body. We all know that when you fry a food item, it makes your taste buds dance but might cause some health problems. So, let’s focus on the boiled eggs as this style of cooking is perfect for those who want to boost immunity or lose weight. There are many health benefits of boiled eggs, which is why you should start the day by taking out a saucepan, adding water and eggs to it, and letting them boil.

An egg contains vitamin A, folate, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, carotenoids, phosphorous, selenium and zinc. Phew! There’s hardly any food that’s full of so many vitamins and minerals. No wonder why eggs are called superfoods.

foods rich in vitamin B12
Eggs are good for health! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Health benefits of boiled eggs

Health Shots wanted to know more about these nutrients and how they help the body, so we reached out to Shivani Bavalekar, Senior Executive Nutritionist, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Navi Mumbai, Vashi.

Explaining the nutritive value in one boiled egg, she said that it contains 78 kilocalorie, one gram carbohydrate,  6 grams protein, 9 grams fat and 187 milligrams cholesterol. Now that we know the nutritive value is good, let’s dive into the health benefits of a boiled egg.

1. Boiled egg has healthy fats

A boiled egg contains healthy or good fat that protects organs and helps in keeping the body warm, making boiled eggs perfect for winter.

2. Boiled egg boosts immunity

An egg contains good amount of vitamin B6 and B12 along with zinc, and they “help in boosting the immunity and fight against flu and cold,” said Bavalekar.

3. Boiled egg keeps bones strong

An egg is a good source of Vitamin D, which will not only boost your immunity, but also keep your bones strong.

4. Boiled eggs help in weight loss

An egg contains good source of lean protein as well as amino acids, with low calorie that can help in weight loss, something that is not so easy to do during winter as lethargy or the chilly weather create obstacles in your fitness regimen.

Boiled eggs help to lose weight. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Boiled eggs helps in having a healthy brain

An egg contains good amount omega-3 fatty acids and choline, which “builds the cell membrane and has a role in producing signalling molecule in the brain,” said the expert.

6. Boiled eggs can protect eyes

Egg yolk or the yellow portion of the boiled egg is enriched with lutein and zeaxanthin, which protects the eye and also reduces the risk of cataract, so to get healthy eyes, have boiled eggs.

7. Boiled eggs help to enhance beauty of skin

The skin has an important part which is selenium, and eggs are considered to be an excellent source of this nutrient.

8. Boiled egg promotes healthy hair

An egg contains biotin, which helps to keep hair healthy and shiny, and who wouldn’t want that?

9. Boiled eggs for healthy heart

A boiled egg contains good cholesterol which “keeps your heart healthy, if taken in moderation,” warned Bavalekar.

10. Boiled eggs are good for pregnant women or lactating mothers

It is highly beneficial in both these stages of a woman’s life as an egg contains good amount protein, choline as well as selenium.

According to the expert, many researchers recommend that one must limit the consumption of egg on a daily basis, else they may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

The number should not exceed one or two eggs a day, she said. Also, it is important to watch in what form you are consuming it. Are you eating soft egg, raw egg or half fry egg? They need to be avoided as they contain bacteria like salmonella which might harm your digestive system, shared Bavalekar.

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About The Author
Natalia Ningthoujam
Natalia Ningthoujam

Natalia Ningthoujam has written on various subjects - from music to films and fashion to lifestyle - as a journalist in her career that started in 2010. After getting stories from the crime scene, police headquarters, and conducting interviews with celebrities, she is now writing on health and wellness which has become her focus area.

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