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6 side effects of amla you need to know

You might love amla for its several health, skin and hair benefits, but consuming it in large quantities is really not a good idea ladies! Read to know about the side effects of amla.
amla honey
Amla with honey can do wonders for your weight loss journey. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Aayushi Gupta
Updated On: 10 Dec 2024, 06:50 pm IST
  • 125

Be it your skin, hair or overall well being, amla aka Indian gooseberry is believed to be quite a treasure trove of health benefits. This is due to the presence of essential vitamins and antioxidants that it contains. In fact, even Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicinal practice, includes amla in most of its remedies due to its beneficial medicinal properties. However, over consumption of alma can lead to a series of problems. Some of the side effects of amla include dehydration, skin problems among others.

Can amla harm you?

Just like every other thing, amla has various pros and cons too. The superfood can also prove to be harmful if consumed in excessive quantities or in certain conditions without a doctor’s or dietician’s consultation, explains Dietitian Dr Archana Batra. Therefore, it is necessary to understand several side effects of amla possesses to know the effects it might have on our body while consuming the food in several situations.

side effects of amla
The small Indian gooseberry or amla is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Who should not consume amla?

While eating amla is generally safe, overconsumption can be dangerous. The side effects of amla can be risky for people with the following conditions:

1. Amla is not for hypotension patient

Since amla is known for aiding hypertension, it has great abilities to lower and maintain blood pressure. But in case you are suffering from hypotension, that is low blood pressure, it is advisable to avoid excess amla consumption and indulge in exercising to keep your blood pressure level maintained. Experiencing any of the side effects of amla overconsumption can be dangerous.

2. Amla is not for low sugar

“Raw amla is also known for beneficiary properties as a home remedy to regulate diabetes because of its rich fiber properties that can absorb the excess sugar. But if you are suffering from low sugar (Hypoglycemia) or are on regular anti-diabetic medications, the case may not be the same for you,” said Dr Batra. The wonder food can hamper the medications and also lower blood sugar to an extreme level.

3. Heart patients should be careful

Amla can also lead to some negative reactions with certain medications. So, people who are suffering from heart ailment must consult their doctor for amla’s consumption.

Side effects of amla

Here are the possible risks and side effects of amla over consumption. Make sure to eat the right dosage to avoid these.


side effects of amla
Protect your heart by consuming amla in moderation. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

1. It can trigger acidity

The food is rich in vitamin C and a great source of ascorbic acid. Being acidic in nature, it can trigger acidity and cause irritation in the stomach for people who have had a history of hyperacidity problems. Therefore, acid reflux is a side effect of amla that one needs to be careful about.

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3. It can make stool hard

Amla is undoubtedly a known remedy for constipation due to its rich fiber content. Nevertheless, excessive consumption can harden the stool. Amla contains high amounts of tannins. These can have a drying effect on the intestines and lead to constipation, especially if consumed in large quantities or on an empty stomach.

4. Dehydration can occur

One of the major side effects of amla is that is can cause dehydration. Amla has diuretic properties and increases urine production in the body. So, it may also lead to dehydration and weight loss in some cases. Hence, ladies who are pregnant should also be extra cautious while consuming amla.

5. It can lead to skin problems

Amla is a diuretic, which means that it helps in getting rid of toxins and waste from our bodies. But if this water loss is not replenished, dehydration may lead to loss of luster in the skin, thereby causing dryness and early ageing. This is one of the biggest side effects of amla.

side effects of amla
Amla is good skin but be careful with its intake. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

6. Hair fall can happen

Excessive amla consumption also promotes scalp dryness, hair fall, itchiness, dandruff, and other scalp related problems too. Amla is rich in tannins, which have astringent properties. These can dry out the scalp and hair, leading to hair breakage and hair fall.

How to consume amla safely?

The only key while consuming amla is the consideration of amount intake. Amla is a very beneficial food if taken in carefully in moderation. “But it can lead to various problems too if attention is not given to the amount of amla consumption and it is, therefore, advisable to eat 1 or 2 amlas per day or consult your doctor,” says the expert.

Related FAQs

Can you eat amla every day?

Yes, you can eat amla every day. In fact, moderate consumption of amla can offer numerous health benefits

How many amlas can you eat in a day?

You can eat one to two amlas in a day. Be careful not to overeat.

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About The Author
Aayushi Gupta
Aayushi Gupta

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information.

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