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Hungry kya? Try these 6 snacks for beautiful skin and hair

Good skin and hair can be achieved by eating right too. Nosh on these snacks for a clear skin and bouncy mane.
good skin and hair
These snacks are downright tasty and will give you great skin and hair too! Image Courtesy: Shutterstock
Shifa Khan Updated: 13 May 2022, 05:51 pm IST
  • 184

Would you believe us if we say snacking can add more beauty to your face and hair? Before you run to grab that tray of cupcakes, we ain’t talking about that kind of snacking. Munching on the right kind of snacks can not only calm those mid-work peckish feelings but also give you good skin and hair. Don’t believe us? Let’s read what an expert has to say about it.

Dr Shruti Marwah, MBBS, MS MCH Plastic Surgery, spoke to Health Shots and listed 5 awesome snacks that can give you a luminous skin and fuller mane.

Dr Marwah says, “Everyone desires to have glowing skin and healthy hair. Among the numerous ways to achieve it, eating a proper diet is the best one. Consuming food that contains all the nutrients can give you shinier hair and clearer skin.”

Well, diet really plays a big role in making us look our best from inside out. All creams, lotions, potions and DIYs come secondary.

Here are 6 snacks that give you good skin and hair:

1. Nuts

The preferable pocket snacks, nuts are not only crunchy and satiating but are super rich in nutrients. Nosh on nuts such as almonds (high in protein), and walnuts (rich in protein, and magnesium). Protein is an extremely essential nutrient for good skin and hair. Quick bites in the form of nuts can provide us with the required amount of these nutrients.

Nutrition for children
Grab a handful of nuts as you go out and about during the day. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Fruits

We call them nature’s snacks! Fruits such as watermelon, mango, amla, and orange are rich in vitamin C and improve hydration of the skin. While trends may suggest you to try an exotic berry from a faraway land, Dr Marwah suggests that locally sourced and seasonal fruits are always the best.

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3. Homemade curd

Curd or dahi can be relished in the form of lassi, chaas or even our favorite raita. It is considered a superfood for good skin and hair for a reason. Dahi is brimming with zinc and biotin which holds a reputation for promoting hair growth. It is the best snack or a drink to improve skin elasticity and get a healthy gut!

curd benefits
Curd is the best food to cool down and get good skin and hair! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Sprouts

Rich in protein, iron and fiber, sprouts are a guaranteed ticket to awesome skin and hair health. They are oozing with antioxidants that help fight oxidative stress and prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Not only do they keep you looking younger, they destroy all the free radicals that make your hair brittle. After 24 hours of sprouting, almost all carbs in legumes are used up and antioxidants and proteins are all that are left for us to reap.

5. Seeds

Among many ways to recover skin and hair health, noshing on healthy seeds is the best option. Chia seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, and flax seeds are rich in fiber and antioxidants and contain impressive amounts of essential fatty acids. The best part about them is that you can eat a handful of these on the go to meet most of the nutrient requirements. Most seeds contain protein, iron, oleic acid, biotin, calcium, vitamins A and E, zinc. These minerals and nutrients are superb to maintain good skin and hair health.

plant based protein
To calm those hunger pangs, there’s certainly a need for seed. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

6. Dark chocolate

Chocolate-loving ladies, rejoice! Dark Chocolate contains bioactive compounds that can give you good skin and hair. The flavonoids present in them are known to improve blood flow to the skin. A bite of dark chocolate can protect against sun damage and increase skin density and hydration too.

With the proper intake of these nutritional elements, one can look and feel young for many more years. Healthy and mindful snacking is not just beneficial for your overall health but good appearance too!

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An aesthete and a skincare junkie, Shifa spends most of her time cooking delish food while wearing a sheet mask. At HealthShots, she creates high-octane content that can leave you all a little intrigued! ...Read More

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