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Did you know? Eating eggs can help you recover faster from Covid-19 infection

Are you down with Covid-19 and want to recover ASAP? If yes, we have a hack for you. Just include eggs in your everyday diet and recover swiftly.
eggs and bell pepper to burn fat
Eggs and bell pepper is the food combo you need to burn fat! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Nikita Bhardwaj Published: 24 Jan 2022, 08:00 am IST
  • 82

There have been reports by health agencies that Omicron isn’t as fatal as Covid-19’s second wave. Even doctors have revealed that if you take preventive measures, get in-home isolation, consume a clean diet, and take the prescribed medication, you can recover from Covid-19 in no time.

But those of you who can’t wait for 14 days to recover from this virus, and want to see results quickly, we have an ‘egg-citing’ news for you.

We all know that after medication, diet is the second most important thing that will help in your recovery. Out of all the nutrients, protein is one of the most crucial nutrients that can help to fight coronavirus. And according to nutritionists and dieticians, including eggs can definitely lead to faster recovery.

A dietitian reveals how eggs can help

Eggs contain selenium, as well as vitamins A, B, and K. These can help to fight Covid and keep the body healthy. Eggs contain amino acids and antioxidants that can help patients build a strong immune system to combat the virus. That is why Covid patients are recommended to eat eggs.

Say hello to eggs to recover faster from Covid-19. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“Eggs can also help overcome cold and flu infections. Protein helps in rebuilding and recovery of muscles. Sometimes, people may have muscle pain during the Covid-19 infection. So, eat eggs as per the doctor’s advice,” Deeksha Arora, a dietitian at Apollo Spectra Delhi tells HealthShots.

Benefits of eating eggs during Covid-19:

1. Eggs help to boost immunity

One needs to consume adequate protein to support the immune response, and there’s nothing better than eggs. Are you aware? Eggs have nutrients like vitamin D, zinc, selenium, and vitamin E that the body needs to strengthen the immune system. Thus, you will be able to stay strong and healthy during the pandemic, and can also deal with oxidative damage. You will also be able to manage any hormonal imbalance and regulate blood sugar levels.

2. They can reduce the chances of brain fog

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Eggs are really good for the brain. Did you know? Boiled eggs contain choline that is vital for one’s nervous system. This can also help in a situation where people are suffering from brain fog. “Also, if you are trying to recover from Covid, this disease can take a toll on one’s brain and heart, as well as eyes, apart from lungs,” says Ms Arora.

3. Eating eggs also reduces the risk of heart disease

It is a known fact that Covid can impact one’s heart. So eating an egg that contains Folate, unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamin E is beneficial for the heart. Thus, an egg is loaded with heart-friendly nutrients and should find an important space in the menu.

Just eat eggs to avoid Covid’s hassles. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

What part of the egg must you eat?

The white portion of the egg is packed with protein. The egg yolk contains iron, vitamins B2, B12, and D, which are missing from egg whites. It is better to ask the expert, and then eat accordingly as per your nutritional requirement. Even if you are eating a full egg, just limit the quantity as going overboard is a strict no-no.

How many eggs should you ideally eat?

It is a good idea to eat 4 eggs a day. Although the quantity varies from person to person, it is essential to consult an expert and include eggs in your diet accordingly. There are some people who can be allergic to eggs. So, be careful, know your allergies and only then eat an egg.

Here’s the right time to eat eggs to recover faster from Covid-19

Eggs are dense in nutrients like zinc, magnesium, iron, and protein. The right time to eat an egg is during breakfast. You will be able to energise your body, and can perform all the chores with ease. It is the best option to eat eggs in the boiled form to keep their nutritional value intact.

boiled eggs
Is egg yolk your friend or foe? Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Other protein options for faster recovery

“Protein allows in tackling the cell damage caused due to coronavirus. One can have seeds and nuts, lentils, dairy products, chicken, sprouts, and fish that contain a high amount of protein,” concludes Ms Arora.
Moral of the story – make eggs your BAE, and if you really want to get out of that solitary isolation, keep noshing on them.

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Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content. ...Read More

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