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Listen up, ladies! Nosh on black grapes to receive a ton of health benefits

Black grapes are not just delicious, but also possess a range of health and beauty benefits you may be unaware of. Trust us, you may just end up getting a bunch right away!
Grapes might be small but pack a nutritional punch! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Geetika Sachdev
Updated On: 30 Oct 2023, 01:21 pm IST

Ah! The joy of relishing those juicy black grapes is unparalleled. Every time, you bite into them, you can’t stop yourself from having more. But what if we tell you your favourite fruit offers a bunch of benefits too? Yes, especially if you are a woman. They are a powerhouse of antioxidants and vitamins A, B6, B12, C, E, potassium, iron, magnesium, and fibre.

But how can they help you in leading a healthy life? Well, Parul Malhotra Bahl, Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator has all the answers for you.

Here’s what she told Health Shots about the potent health and beauty benefits of black grapes.

1. They offer protective benefits against heart diseases

Black grapes contain generous amounts of resveratrol and quercetin, both antioxidant compounds that help reduce atherosclerosis risk and protect against the damage caused by high LDL cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. The high levels of potassium and fibre in black grapes helps in regulating blood pressure.

Black grapes
Sweet or sour, grapes are what your body needs this season. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Helps control mood swings and headaches

If you are someone who often struggles with PMS symptoms like mood swings and headaches, black grapes could come to your rescue. The riboflavin in black grapes is also very useful for those who tend to suffer from frequent headaches and migraines.

3. May protect against cancer

Studies have shown that the antioxidants and carotenoids present in black grapes prevent the production of free radicals that cause cancer. Thus, black grapes may reduce the risk of getting certain cancers, due to the presence of antioxidants and carotenoids.

breast cancer
Take the help of black grapes to protect your breast. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Boon for skin and hair

The secret ingredient in black grapes is the potent grapeseed oil. Black grapeseed oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E that helps maintain your scalp health by increasing blood circulation, preventing hair fall and split ends, as well as early greying. This oil also helps to promote hair growth and works well for those who face hair loss.

What’s more, the compounds like proanthocyanidins and resveratrol in black grapes shield your skin against harmful ultraviolet rays. This helps to reduce dark spots and pigmentation.

The high vitamin C content in black grapes also keeps those wrinkles away, rejuvenates skin cells, and increases skin elasticity.

Black grapes for good skin
Give your skin natural glow with black grapes. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Supports bone health

Black grapes are packed with vitamin K, which is why this fruit helps to support bone health. In fact, as per a study titled ‘Vitamin K intake and hip fractures in women: a prospective study’, women with lower intake of vitamin K suffered from a high risk of hip fractures. So, have more of black grapes ladies!

So ladies, sit back with a big bowl of black grapes and enjoy all its benefits!

Disclaimer: At Health Shots, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and authentic information to support your health and well-being. However, the content on this website is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised advice regarding your specific medical condition or concerns.

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About The Author
Geetika Sachdev
Geetika Sachdev

An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town.

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