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Black rice vs white rice: What is beneficial in diabetes?

We know that eating white rice is a bit complicated for those with diabetes. But are you aware of the black rice benefits in diabetes? Let's find out.
black rice
Here's what is right for you! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Updated: 23 Oct 2023, 12:03 pm IST
  • 186

It’s not always tough to maintain a stable blood sugar level or lower your risk of developing diabetes with nutrition. Sometimes a simple swap can show better results! Try a switch from white to black rice for diabetes management.

Health Shots got in touch with Hari Lakshmi, Consultant – Dietitian/Nutritionist, Motherhood Hospitals, Chennai, to find out if black rice is a healthy choice for diabetes patients or not.

Is black rice healthy?

When it comes to health and nutrition, rice occasionally has a bad rap. Despite being a very common grain found in Indian cuisine, people with diabetes often steer clear of its consumption since it contains starchy carbohydrates that can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels after meals. But that mainly applies to white rice. Many people are unaware that black rice is a much healthier choice for diabetics.

black rice for diabetes
Black rice are great for diabetics! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Lakshmi says, “Black rice contains nutrient-rich germ and bran layers of the grain while white rice just has the starchy Endosperm, which makes black rice a better choice.” So, are you thinking of switching to black rice now? Learn how it will benefit your blood sugar levels.

Can black rice be consumed by people suffering from diabetes?

Yes, and here 5 reasons why black rice is good for people suffering with diabetes:

1. Manage blood sugar levels

Due to the high fiber and protein content of black rice, it significantly reduces post blood sugar spikes.

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2. Aids weight loss

Weight gain can negatively impact your condition and that’s one of the major reasons why white rice is recommended to be avoided. On the other hand, black rice can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Also, read: 3 reasons to replace rice with quinoa if weight loss is your goal

3. Gluten free superfood

Diabetic patients are advised to avoid gluten as it can have negative gastrointestinal side effects, such as bloating and abdominal pain. Black rice is gluten free

4. Lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes

You can still eat black rice, even if you are not suffering from this condition. It can lower your risk of having diabetes by maintaining your blood sugar as it is high in fiber and magnesium.

5. Rich in other nutrients

Black rice is high on its nutrient profile. It is rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, and several vitamins and minerals.

Apart from this, here’s why black rice is healthy:

  • May protect you against a range of cardiovascular illnesses and diseases
  • Supports eye health due to the presence of carotenoids
  • It’s gluten-free, so those suffering from celiac disease can consume it
  • Black rice is packed with fibre. Therefore, it can prevent obesity
black rice for diabetes
White rice lacks many vitamins and minerals. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Who should not consume black rice?

Black rice is generally considered healthy, and there are currently no studies that have found any negative consequences from eating black rice. However, consuming too much black rice may result in digestive problems including upset stomach, gas, bloating, etc. So, before including this rice in your diet, talk to your doctor.

Are black rice better than white rice for people with diabetes?

Patients with diabetes are generally recommended to reduce their intake of foods with high glycemic index. Compared to black rice, white rice has a higher GI index. By that measure, black rice is way better than white rice for diabetics. You should eat black rice together with other low GI foods, protein sources, and healthy fats to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

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About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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