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Monsoon is already here, and who doesn’t want to dance carelessly in the rain? Nobody wants to miss out on this joy, but getting sick afterwards is terrible. Well, according to an expert, you can be protected by some monsoon superfoods.
Superfoods is a term that is used to highlight the foods that contain high amounts of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Such nourishment is necessary, especially during weather that poses health risks.
Whether it’s food poisoning, diarrhea, infections, the flu, or other health risks, a majority of us end up getting these health problems around this time of year. However, if your diet is rich in all the nutrients, your chances of catching seasonal diseases are quite low.
Healh Shots spoke to Deepti Lokeshappa, Msc Food Science and Nutrition, Senior Consultant-Clinical Nutritionist, Motherhood Hospital, Bengaluru, who shared some of the best monsoon superfoods to prevent and fight seasonal infections and diseases.
Lokeshappa says, “People can easily catch infections during the monsoon. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential during this time. A healthy diet will boost your immune system and enhance your body’s capability to fight diseases. And all it takes is adding a few healthy items to your diet to prevent the monsoon flu from catching you.”
Green leafy vegetables are very healthy. However, during the monsoon season, you need to be extra careful because this is the perfect time for the breeding of various microbes and bacteria which can easily contaminate green vegetables. Always clean them properly before use. Lokeshappa says, “Green leafy vegetables like cabbage, spinach, lettuce, etc. are good sources of vitamin A and vitamin E. Peas, broccoli, and bottle gourd are some of the vegetables that are high in immunity-boosting nutrients.”
If you want to keep your immunity intact during the monsoon, consume probiotic foods such as curd, kefir, buttermilk, and pickled veggies. These foods are the best sources of gut microbes that help to fight bad bacteria or diseases causing bacteria. Probiotics can also make your gut flora healthy and have been proven to boost mental health. What’s more, probiotics are also good to keep your heart healthy.
Every step of your skincare regimen probably contains some antioxidants. But not just skin, antioxidants are there to improve your overall health. This nutrient can ward off ailments caused by free radicals, because they work to protect the cells from damage brought on by the oxidation process. Dark chocolate, spinach, blueberries, broccoli, and spices like cloves, cinnamon, and turmeric are rich sources of antioxidants. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health reports that higher antioxidant intakes are linked to a reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.” According to Lokeshappa, they support the body’s ability to sustain immunity and strength throughout the monsoon.
“Oranges, tomatoes, and lemons are excellent sources of vitamin C, an antioxidant. It is believed that vitamin C present in citrus fruits helps in maintaining the body’s immunity and that’s why it will be super beneficial to add them to your diet,” says Lokeshappa. In addition, you require vitamin C for the development and growth of your bones and teeth. In fact, it helps your body absorb iron, a necessary mineral.
Ginger and garlic are excellent herbs that you should consume in every season, especially during the monsoon. They have been known as immunity boosters since ancient times. “They have antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties and are also known to relax flu symptoms. So, it will be beneficial for you to add it to your food. Add them to teas, soups, pulses, and wherever you can.
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