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I ate raw garlic on an empty stomach daily and got blessed with better stamina and skin

Garlic is revered for a whole lot of health benefits, including weight loss. So I decided to join the bandwagon and here’s what happened when I did.
eating raw garlic
Make garlic a part of your daily diet. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Nikita Bhardwaj Published: 14 Sep 2020, 02:24 pm IST
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I have called it pungent and struggled to gulp it down, but the reason I put myself through so much discomfort is that I was told that garlic is the ultimate ingredient for weight loss. And once I gained knowledge of this, there was no looking back.

I pledged to devote every morning to eating raw garlic with lukewarm water. I followed suit for three months, and yet I didn’t lose any weight. Wait, let me rephrase that. There was some weight loss, but it was almost negligible.

Did it make me stop the morning ritual? Far from it! The other health benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach made me join the fam. Wondering what these benefits are?

Well, here are five I benefited from personally: 

1. Garlic worked on my immunity
I have a sinus issue and changing seasons used to make my nights catastrophic as I wasn’t able to breathe properly. But, after almost 15 to 20 days of eating garlic, I felt my breathing was under control. That’s because garlic worked on my immunity. Of course, I was taking my medicines just like before, but garlic helped me deal with my sinus mayhem which also helped me sleep better. Three months down the line, I feel way better.

foods to avoid before sex
Foods like onions and garlic do more than just bestow you with bad breath. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Also, no cold and flu problem this time around!

2. It improved my gut health
I’m a foodie and I’ve no shame in admitting that I can eat anything under the sun. That’s why handling my gut has always been a challenge for me. Constipation and gastric pain were becoming my everyday companions. But, thanks to my mum who made me eat garlic, this mess has also been resolved.

3. Garlic boosted my stamina
After my workout sessions, I would feel drained to death. Left with no energy to do anything, my productivity was severely affected. My heart rate used to drop and I used to feel extremely fatigued. But, garlic saved me and my career. After consuming it for almost a month, I have seen a major difference in my stamina. Turns out, there’s a scientific reason behind this benefit.

weight loss exercises better than burpees
You can totally skip burpees to lose weight. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Garlic worked on my liver and heart, making them work better. Due to this, I was feeling pepped up even after a really sweaty workout session. Basically, garlic helped my liver secrete digestive juices that aided better digestion which led to more energy. It accelerated the heart function so that blood flow stayed in check and reached every part of my body, supplying oxygen to each corner.

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4. My skin feels way better
That was a total surprise for me! Although, it shouldn’t have been because when the gut and other important body organs are in check, it reflects on the skin as well. But, I wasn’t expecting that my skin would become this clear and the freckles I used to crib about are almost vanishing by now. All credit goes to the antioxidants in the garlic.

5. I’ve learned that eating garlic daily will help my bones get stronger
I’m in my early thirties and being a fitness fanatic, I’m worried about the bone wear and tear. That’s why, when I learned that garlic can actually help in keeping my bone density in check, I refused to give up on it. It will help me reduce the risk of developing bone issues such as osteoporosis. Hey, maybe, that’s the reason my mum never complains about joint ache!

black garlic benefits
With all those health benefits, black garlic is the herb that you need to include in your diet! Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Initially, it was just weight loss on my mind when I included garlic to my morning routine but when I felt all these other health benefits in the short course of just three months, I realized that I’m going to be sticking to garlic.

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About the Author

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content. ...Read More

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