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Rejoice brinjal lovers! This veggie can reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes

If you love baingan, then there’s good news for you! It not just enhances the flavour and texture of your favourite dishes, but also offers a host of health benefits.
brinjal benefits
These health benefits of brinjal are too good to be true. Image courtesy: Pixabay
Written by: Geetika Sachdev
Updated On: 15 Oct 2020, 05:39 pm IST

Don’t we all enjoy piping hot baingan ka bharta with a side of ghee-laden rotis? It’s the perfect comfort food, especially on a breezy winter evening. Good old brinjal or baingan, also called aubergine and eggplant, is used to whip up some of the most exotic dishes around the world. And we completely love its rich texture and delicious flavour!

And now we get to the best part—brinjal offers some of the most amazing health benefits. Yes, it’s true! 

We don’t want to keep you waiting, so let’s get to the health benefits of brinjal right away: 

1. High in antioxidants

Brinjals are not just powerhouses of several nutrients like vitamins and minerals, but also contain high quantities of antioxidants. For the uninitiated, antioxidants shield the body from any damage caused by harmful substances called free radicals. If you consume foods rich in antioxidants, you can guard your bodies from chronic ailments like heart disease and cancer.

Brinjals also contain a pigment called anthocyanin that not just lends this vegetable its beautiful colour, but is also great to enhance your health.

2. Helps to reduce risk of heart disease

Once again, the high antioxidant content makes brinjals the perfect food to reduce the risk of heart disease. As per a study, rabbits with high cholesterol were given 10 ml of brinjal juice every day, for two weeks. The findings of the study suggested that these rabbits had lower levels of both LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, both of which are critical to maintain good heart health.

heart disease
Nosh on brinjal for the sake of your heart. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
3. Helps control blood sugar levels

Research suggests that consuming brinjals on a regular basis can help to control blood sugar levels. This is largely because brinjals have high fibre content, which is great for your gut health. The more fibre you consume, the more your blood sugar levels stay in control.

Fibre slows the rate of digestion and absorption of sugar in the body, and that means your blood sugar levels won’t shoot up, or crash suddenly! Brinjal also contains polyphenols or natural plant compounds that are known to reduce sugar absorption and increase the secretion of insulin.

4. Promotes weight loss

Brinjal contains high fibre content and has low calories, making it a must-add to any healthy diet. With its high fibre content, brinjal moves through the digestive tract slowly, and can make you more satiated. So, you can use your favourite baingan as a replacement for high-calorie ingredients in many dishes!

So ladies, a brinjal a day keeps the doctor away!

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About The Author
Geetika Sachdev
Geetika Sachdev

An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town.

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