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Stir up nostalgia this summer with this easy aam panna recipe

Aam panna is a fantastic summer drink with multiple health benefits. The best part is you can make it easily in the comfort of your home!
hydrating drinks
Make aam panna right at home this summer season! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Grace Bains
Published On: 24 Apr 2021, 01:37 pm IST

As temperatures soar, our dehydration levels also witness a rise. So, what do we do? Well, we gulp down classic summer drinks that are beneficial for our health too! On top of this list is aam panna — it instantly rehydrates us, and its tangy flavour satiates the taste buds.  

Aam panna or raw mango drink is made of ripe or raw mangoes, which are rich in citric and oxalic acids that prevent loss of vital salts and minerals from our body. Aam panna is known to rehydrate the body, as it contains a mixture of salt and sugar that helps in maintaining the electrolyte balance in the body. Additionally, it is rich in nutrients such as vitamin A and C, iron and folates. This drink is also regarded as an immunity booster, while the pectin content in aam panna is useful to regulate the digestive system and fight against ailments such as diarrhoea and constipation.

This summer thirst-quencher has been a staple drink in Indian households for generations and provides a wide variety of health benefits. Therefore, to help you prepare this drink, we present to you an easy-to-follow recipe:

Serves: 4-6 glasses (medium size)

Calories: 35-40 calories per glass

Things you’ll need to make aam panna
  • 1 raw mango
  • 2-3 cups water
  • 3 tbsp mint or pudina
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ½ tsp cardamom powder
  • ½ tsp cumin powder
  • ½ tsp pepper powder
  •  ¾ tsp salt
  • 4-5 medium-size ice cubes
  • 3-4 cups cold water
aam panna
Not only Aam Panna prevents dehydration, but it also improves digestion. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Here’s how you can prepare aam panna at home:

Step 1: Begin by putting the raw mango and two cups of water in a pressure cooker, and cook it for five whistles.

Step 2: Let the mango cool down completely, and then peel the skin of the mango and scrape the pulp, making sure that the skin has separated properly.

Step 3: Transfer the mango pulp to a blender and add three tablespoons mint, and one-fourth cup sugar.

Step 4: Blend the mango and mint, and add sugar to form a smooth paste. Next, add half a teaspoon each of cardamom powder, cumin powder, pepper powder, and three-fourth teaspoon salt.

Step 5: Ensure you mix all the ingredients well to prepare the aam panna concentrate.

Step 6: Add the required amount of aam panna concentrate in a serving jar/vessel, and add ice cubes and cold water to it.

Step 7: Mix the cold water, ice cubes and aam panna concentrate well, and then serve. You may add a few mint leaves for garnishing.

Remember to store the aam panna concentrate in a container, and keep it in a dry and cool place. Also, use a dry spoon for scooping to ensure a better shelf life.

So, with just a few easily available ingredients, get ready to beat the heat and rehydrate yourself.

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About The Author
Grace Bains
Grace Bains

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book.

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