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World Milk Day: Have you tried khees, a nutritious milk-based dessert?

World Milk Day: Let us tell you about khees, the popular and nutritious dessert. Read on to know how it is made and its benefits.
milk dessert
Know all about khees right here! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Manasvi Jain Published: 1 Jun 2022, 03:40 pm IST
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It’s World Milk Day today, and while not everyone may love milk, who can resist milk-based desserts? Do you all know about a sweet dessert called khees which is widely made across different parts of India? If not, then here we are to let you know that it is not only tasty but has many health benefits as well. And what can be better than something that is sweet and still highly nutritious, right?

Well, khees is made from the first milk that a cow/buffalo delivers within 2-3 days of giving birth to a calf. This milk contains colostrum, a supplement released in the breast milk of all mammals after they give birth.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul told Health Shots, “Colostrum is high in antioxidants and antibodies. These are the types of proteins that strengthen and boost the body’s immune system against bacterial and viral infections, especially in infants.” According to her, people started using this milk to make khees because of its paneer-like form and taste it takes after a boil.

Also, read: Milk and water are top sources for boosting vitamin D absorption: Study

Meanwhile, make sure you are only consuming the leftover milk because the first milk is important for the healthy growth of the calf as well.

Here are top benefits of consuming khees

1. More nutritious than regular milk

We know the benefits of regular milk but khees surpasses them all. It is much richer in protein, magnesium, vitamins and minerals. It also contains Lactoferrin, which helps fight our immune system from diseases, and is great for the growth of a newborn.

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khees milk
Try making khees with milk and enjoy it! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Gives your immunity a boost

It is a powerhouse of antibodies (igG and igA), which helps in strengthening our immune system that fights viruses and bacteria. Does that mean it may be great to ward off a virus such as Covid-19? According to Kaul, “The research isn’t sufficient to say the same. However since does help in building good immunity, it maybe able to help ward off infections. Can help in prevention of Covid but evidence isn’t adequate.”

3. Treats diarrhea

Since the milk used is rich in antibodies and proteins, kees makes a great choice for not only treating diarrhea but also in preventing it.

4. Keeps your gut healthy

Khees helps to promote growth of cells and strengthen the walls of the gut. “Colostrum is also rich in insulin-like growth factor I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II) apart from the four IGF binding proteins (IGFBP), which play an important role in the gut development of the newborn,” added Kaul.

gut health
Your eating habits impact your gut health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

 5. Beneficial for diabetics

If taken without sugar, khees can help control the insulin levels of a diabetic patient. Colostrum in the milk improves utilization of glucose which helps in controlling the sugar levels in blood.

Kaul mentioned, “Natural colostrum is ideal for every child, while colostrum supplements should be taken after consulting a doctor. Even for adults, colostrum supplements after consulting medical professionals, because many times a person might be allergic to the contents of colostrum.”

How to make khees:

  1. Take the colostrum milk in a pan and put it on the stove
  2. Add sugar/jaggery and cardamom, according to your taste, to the milk
  3. Keep stirring the mixture and bring it to a boil
  4. The milk will automatically curdle after one boil and your khees is ready to savour!

If you haven’t tried it yet, go for it.

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About the Author

Manasvi Jain is a professional writer with a keen interest in spreading awareness about various health and wellness issues through her articles. She writes well researched articles by connecting with various doctors and health experts. ...Read More

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