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Here’s a soul-satisfying cream of broccoli soup recipe that’s high on nutrition and taste

Cream of broccoli soup is as tasty as it is healthy. Here’s an easy recipe to make yourself a soul-satisfying bowl of goodness.
ream of broccoli soup recipe
A bowl full of health and taste! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Grace Bains Published: 13 Oct 2020, 02:40 pm IST
  • 81

We all know that broccoli is a green veggie that can really boost our health, but we tend to avoid it because of its bland taste. However, the truth is that well-cooked broccoli doesn’t just taste great but also offers some powerful health benefits.

You see, just one cup of broccoli covers 135% of your daily vitamin C intake, which means it will ensure your immune system stays strong enough to fight all ailments. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants, and that means it will help your organs to fight the damage that is caused by free radicals. What’s more, the fibre content is great for people with diabetes. In fact, a study mentioned in PubMed Central states that diabetics who ate broccoli regularly for a month had their blood sugar levels under control. What’s more, the high vitamin K content ensures that your bones and joints always stay healthy and free of pain!

Given these benefits, it’s obvious that we need to look for a tasty way of including broccoli to our diets. One such amazing recipe is the cream of broccoli soup. Here, we’ve skipped using cream and cheese. Instead, we’ve used milk, which is much lower in calorie content, and still gives a smooth flavour to the soup.

broccoli recipes
Get ready to drool! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Things you will need:

1 broccoli head
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp all-purpose flour
2 tbsp butter
⅕ cup milk
⅕ cup of vegetable broth
Salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

Also, read: In defence of broccoli: 5 recipes that will make you love this power veggie

Here’s how to prepare it:
  1. Wash the broccoli thoroughly and chop it well.
  2. Add water to a pot and place it over the flame. To the water, add ¼ teaspoon of salt. Now, add the chopped broccoli to it. Boil it over a medium flame.
  3. After approximately 6- 8 minutes, you’ll notice that the broccoli is slightly softer. You can take it off the stove and drain it. If you don’t have vegetable broth, you can use this water for cooking as well.
  4. Next, place a saucepan over low flame. Add butter to it and let it melt.
  5. To the melted butter, add garlic and let it shrink slightly. However, don’t overdo it because it might end up giving off a burnt aroma. Next, add the onions. Saute both these ingredients over low flame.

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    recipe for soup
    This bowl of soup is loaded with nutrients and dietary fibres. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
  6. Now, add broccoli, and the vegetable broth or water. Stir it and place a lid over it.
  7. Let it cook until the broccoli is tender. It should take less than 10 minutes. So, keep checking from time to time.
  8. At this point, the mix is good to puree. You can use a handheld blender. However, you can always add it to the blender jar to puree it.
  9. To this puree, add milk. Let it simmer over a low flame and keep stirring the mix.
  10. Next, add oregano and black pepper to garnish the soup.

It will take about 45 minutes to make this soup, but this bowl of goodness is perfect to boost your health, while not compromising on the taste. Serve it with bread, or have it as it is!

  • 81
About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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